
06-18 / Sacred Sonic Symmetry a Sound Healing Journey w/ Simon Samadhi

Come be a part of a mind expanding hour of immersive sonic exploration as we journey deep within the vast inner realms of Infinite Mind!

Simon Samadhi is a lifelong musician and lover of sound. He has been on a path of self development and inner exploration for over 20 years, during which he has explored many different modalities, including learning Reiki, meditation, and working with plant medicines. During these explorations he has cultivated a deep love and understanding of the healing and medicinal qualities of sound, that seems to be intimately entwined at a core level within every modality he has studied.

Over the years he has learned how to play many instruments, including guitar, Didgeridoos, Native American style flutes, Guzheng, gongs, crystal bowls, and more. Simon also channels unique vocals and sings using ethereal overtones during his meditative sound sessions. These sonic experiences are known to promote relaxation, healing and wellness on many levels from the physical to the psychological, including the processing and release of stuck energy in a similar fashion to working with psychedelic plant medicines, but with no substance required other than your open ears and open mind!

You quite literally need do nothing during this sound journey. Comfortable mats, pillows, and blankets are all provided and you are invited to simply BE!


Event: Saturday June 18th

Time: 12 Noon

Tickets: $25

Get Advance Tickets: HERE

06-18 / The Highly Sensitive Person w/ Jeannette Lellinger, CHt


  • Have you ever been told to “toughen up”?
  • Are crowds and parties very draining for you?
  • Do you experience unexplained mood changes?
  • Do you avoid violent movies?


10-20% of the population are naturally born HSPs.
It is NOT a disorder! YEY! It’s a trait.
Your genes are simply different!!


On: Saturday, June 18 at 3:00
In the: Conference Room
Donation: $10.00
Presenter: Jeannette Lellinger, CHt



After working in the IT field at the National Geographic Society for a great part of her life, Jeannette Lellinger, studied and got certified in a whole array of healing modalities including hypnotherapy, and various forms of energy medicine.  

A Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) herself, Jeannette, felt greatly relieved when she stumbled upon Dr. Elaine Aron’s work describing the characteristics, challenges, and survival strategies available to people with this genetic trait.


06-11 / Power Up! with Dr Charleene Nicely

Power Up!

Turbo- Charge your Spirit Connection!

Saturday June 11, 1-3PM in Crystal Visions Meeting room


Amplify your intuitive powers. Experience the joy of powerful Hemi-Sync sound technology. Guided by Monroe Institute senior trainer Dr. Charleene Nicely, you will ‘Power Up’ your subtle senses easily and intentionally. Take your meditative practice to the next level! Enjoy this FREE introduction. Learn a powerful tool to expand your awareness!


Hemi-synch, developed by the Monroe Institute, uses binaural beats to guide your brain into deep meditative states.  Bring stereo headphones that plug in for the best effect.  A few Zero-gravity chairs and light blankets are provided.  


Taught by Dr. Charleene Nicely – international workshop leader with the Monroe Institute, licensed clinical psychologist, intuitive, Empath, Reiki master teacher.   “My joy is empowering people to be more than they dreamed possible!”

Contact me at (828) 778-4721, or

Limited number of scholarships available



Previous Months Forecast

WHAT’S UP – April 2024

Belinda C. Dunn

Mercury in Aries

Retrograde – April 1 – 25

Aries Solar Eclipse

April 8 @ 2:21 pm (Eastern Daylight Time)

Scorpio Full Moon

April 23 @ 7:49 pm (EDT)

Signs of spring are springing up everywhere with all the invigorating vitality of April, one of the most important months of 2024. Seemingly rising out of no man’s land, this month brings the reset of a Solar Eclipse AND much awaited conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus. To use a gardening metaphor, both of these factors signify a turning over of soil to plow fertile new ground for a fruitful harvest in seasons to come.

Let’s start with the Aries Solar Eclipse exact on April 8, 2:21 pm in the eastern time zone. The locations activated by the eclipse path are always significant, and this eclipse sweeps through Mexico, Texas, across mid-western states, the Great Lakes region to New England and eastern Canada. During daylight hours, this is a Total Eclipse with spectacular viewing along its arc of travel.

Preceded by a Lunar Eclipse on March 25, the stage is already set for monumental shifts on every level. You may look back over recent weeks to recognize the themes in your personal life. Eclipses occur alongside the Moon’s nodes, and currently the nodal axis is North Lunar Node in Aries and South Lunar Node in Libra. This can feel like a tug of war between individuality and relationship, but operating in a myriad of directions, because life itself is about relationship. From one’s relationship with self, to others, and the collective at large, relationship is part and parcel of this dimension.

However, this Solar Eclipse is potently, decidedly, aimed toward Aries, and there is no getting around this fact. This is a rare chance to really connect with your essence, vitality, and values to create a firm foundation for years to come. There is no giving yourself away, or minimizing your contribution with this eclipse. All the stumbling blocks of co-dependence, people pleasing, going along to get along . . . these are readily apparent, and recognized as the energy drains they are. This is a reset of character, personality, drive and motivation. What lights your fire? What brings a smile to your face? Go towards enthusiastic and authentic expression, and you will never be led astray.

What makes this Solar Eclipse so special? The chart itself shows Venus, North Lunar Node, Sun, Moon, Chiron and Mercury all in Aries. But the big wow factor is Chiron’s exact conjunction with Sun and Moon, 19 degrees Aries. Astrologers have been studying Chiron since its discovery in 1977, but there is still ambiguity as to its essential meaning. Known as the “wounded healer,” what does this really mean?

Let’s go back to the mythology for a moment. Named after a centaur, this small planet orbits between Saturn and Uranus. Horse body with human torso and arms, the centaurs were known as a raucous bunch; loud, unruly, pillaging, wreaking havoc. They were also immortal, but as the story goes . . . Chiron was the most civilized of the centaurs. He received a mortal wound, and to assuage his pain, Chiron undertook the quest for healing the split between the spiritual and instinctual sides of human nature.

Chiron searched high and low for answers to his dilemma, essentially the internal conflict and psychological suffering of embodiment within a physical form. Since Chiron’s discovery, the field of holistic healing has grown exponentially with no end in sight. Increasingly, it is possible to consciously experience life as a fully functioning human being across a broad spectrum of mind, emotions, feelings, heart, body, soul and spirit. Not only is this an enormous evolutionary leap, but healing happens automatically with awareness, commitment and effective techniques.

Therefore, this Solar Eclipse is infused with healing potential, and and it can be very helpful to know where/how it activates in your personal chart. In general, themes clearly revolve around taking charge of YOUR life. In most cases, this doesn’t mean controlling anyone or anything, but really getting in touch with your will to live, and exist freely as the unique being you are. Every being/body is directly connected with Source, and the influx of light is tremendously regenerating with this Solar Eclipse in Aries.

However, in all respects, healing is rarely a straight forward path. As much as Aries can be impatient, and “want it now,” it is a timely process. Again, let’s look to astrology for timing, and notice Mercury is retrograde in Aries for most of the month (April 1 – 25.) No matter what the issues are, Mercury retrograde will drive awareness very deep into the process, and while this is personal, there are definitely overlaps with collective consciousness, in particular the wounds most people carry as a result of social programming and conditioning.

Therefore, not only does the Solar Eclipse strongly activate Chiron, but Mercury conjuncts Chiron three times over the course of months (March 20, April 15, May 6). In general, Mercury retrograde is a phase for careful research and cautious planning, so it will take time for puzzle pieces to fall into place. Of course, there will be pressure to make decisions and move quickly, but careless and incomplete decisions may be retracted at a later point. Realistically, a clear way forward may not be evident until late May when Mars conjuncts Chiron on the 29th. After months of dubious delays and deliberations, Mars will step on the gas and get things moving.

Now if this puzzle isn’t complex and multifaceted enough, let’s consider the long term transit of Eris in Aries (1926 – 2048). Eris is the 2nd largest of recently discovered dwarf planets. Orbiting in the farthest reaches of our solar system, in mythology Eris was sister of Mars, and goddess of discord. Usually a hum in the archetypal landscape, Eris is the feminine counterpart of bold, courageous assertion, making a stand and taking a stand when necessary.

Currently orbiting at 25 degrees Aries, transiting Mercury powerfully activates Eris from mid-March to mid-May. Considering social conditions, it is no surprise that Eris, the street fighter for truth and justice, is highly active and may prove to disrupt and overturn prevailing disputes around woman’s rights. Eris also sticks up for the downtrodden and forgotten, the marginalized and disadvantaged. No matter what, archetypal Eris is not content to sit on the sidelines, her voice will be heard, and this spring is the kick-off season.

This potential is taking place against the backdrop of these times, namely the on-going transits of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. Adding to the mix is transiting Mars in Pisces (March 22 – April 30). Similar to an ocean’s undertow, these swirling energies can be psychically draining and emotionally disturbing. Protect and promote health, get plenty of rest, and listen to your body.

Discernment is key as certain powers thrive in the cloak of deception, purposely sowing seeds of confusion and delusion. It is essential in these times to be aware, and stop abdicating personal power and choice to outside forces, especially AI generated media. At all times, remember who you are.

A standout trend for 2024 is Jupiter’s conjunction with Uranus, exact on April 20. Jupiter’s orbit is 12 years while Uranus has an 84 year orbit. In terms of planetary cycles, they join forces every 14 years, and the last conjunction occurred three times (summer 2010 – winter 2011). Jupiter is the planet of opportunity, expansion, enthusiasm, confidence and good fortune. Uranus is the planet of breakthrough innovation, specifically in all fields of science, industry and technology.

This is a very unique combination as the conjunction occurs in Taurus, traditionally the zodiac sign of ownership; money, banks, possessions. Watch the headlines for significant developments in financial transactions and institutions, and possibly drastic fluctuations in market value.

These energies free things up, so financial exchanges such as selling or buying property can feel fated, and suddenly liberating. In a myriad of ways, there will be attempts to stabilize and consolidate while taking advantage of opportunity. Jupiter does everything in a big way, so progress is the name of the game in a season of fortunes made, and in some cases, fortunes lost.

Most likely, this trend will contribute to earth changes and climate disasters. At the very least, it can serve to increase awareness of environmental issues, and spur on development of cutting edge solutions. It can also shake the bedrock of materialism, helping people turn to what is most valuable, life itself. To sum up, this trend has so much potential to enliven and awaken the sleeping masses.

Of special note, this conjunction is a few days before Earth Day, feeding into the climatic themes of adaptation and survival on this continually evolving planet. And, as if to underscore the celestial messages, there is a Full Moon on April 23rd. By now, Sun is transiting through Taurus and Moon opposes in Scorpio. Nowhere is the play of opposites so evident as in the contrast between these zodiac signs; life and death, desire and allowing, serenity and intensity, beauty and the beast, embodiment and transcendence.

Due to the probing and questioning nature of Scorpio, issues related to worth and value can rise to the surface to be reckoned with. Any areas of imbalance will make themselves known in a sifting and sorting of priorities. Aside from monetary value, the direction is toward Taurus. Can frantic grabbing and grasping bring peaceful solutions? Can monetary value be placed on serenity, security, comfort and beauty? In most cases, of course not. April is the month to get your bearings, cultivate appreciation for what is truly valuable, and stand your ground.

Belinda C. Dunn is a professional astrologer with over 40 years experience. She is available for your personal consultation.;



Closed for Inventory

The counting must be done!

We’ll be CLOSED for these two days.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Large Meeting Space for Classes and Events

Large Meeting Space for Classes and Events


View the video of our celebration, held on Saturday, May 10th, 2014!

THANKS to all who contributed!

And, to Roland, The Video Guy for the fantastic job he did in capturing the day, and the spirit of Crystal Visions.

Please click here to share your comments on YouTube – Social Media is all about engagement!

1. CELEBRATING 30 YEARS !!! !!! Saturday, May 18th from 11-5 pm


History of Crystal Visions

Do you know the history of Crystal Visions?

Having dreamed of a bookstore, in 1988, Blair completed a course and business plan for operating one. When we moved to the mountains later that year, and searched for a source for crystals, the closest shop was about 45 minutes away.

A storefront that Blair’s parents owned on highway 25 “just happened to open up”, so we did our market research … at Smiley’s Flea Market:

We were blessed with new friends and acquaintances, and were immediately referred by one of you, Blake, to Pam McMahon, “the crystal lady.” To this day Pam is one of our nearest and dearest, and leads ceremony and singing!

Of course, we found great interest and support in having a metaphysical resource in the neighborhood.



We first opened next door, then had the opportunity to move to the larger space we now occupy.


Over the years we’ve had the opportunity o serve the community with products and services. Here’s a sampling of events:


 Major expansion of the shop, including the addition of the large meeting space — with design by Cathy Easterbrook










A celebration of The Spiritual Reawakening of the Great Smoky Mountains, with Page Bryant and guest presenters, Frannie Oats, Michael and J.T. Garrett, Bo Taylor and Walker Calhoun




At our 15th anniversary celebration in 2004, we had a May Pole celebration,





Lee Carroll, channel for Kryon, visited for the first time,



Jani King, channel for P’Taah, visited again,






Our Medicine Wheel was created in the tradition of Sun Bear, thanks to Page Bryant,





And, with Emily Smoke, we hosted our first annual Weave the Web outdoor networking festival!






Our first spring Garden Party, with a festive hat contest!




Weave the Web

Our annual Weave the Web Festival provides a terrific opportunity for networking.

CLOSED for the Holiday – Saturday, July 4th

^^^ HAPPY NEW YEAR! We will be closing at 4 pm on Dec. 31st!!

Please note: we’ll close at 4 pm today!

We wish you a joyous New Year!

* HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Store Closed Christmas Day & New Years Day!

We will be closed Christmas Day – Monday , December 25th

and New Years Day – Monday January 1st

We wish you a most joyful holiday season!

1. DAY OF THANKS! We will be closed Thursday, November 28th!

We give thanks for the many Blessings in our lives, and we also thank you, our loyal customers, who bring your sweet energy and business to Crystal Visions.

We know that books and music, crystals and jewelry, divination tools, and other resources for creating sacred space can be found elsewhere.

Your support allows us to continue to provide resources for transformation and growth.

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve the community and to provide this Sanctuary and Spiritual Center!

Views of Crystal Visions – May Pole Celebration

One of our favorite Spring celebrations!

Crystal Visions -Dragons & Gems

Gardens and Pavilion

Outdoor space with Labyrinth, Pavilion, Medicine Wheel, Fire Circle, and beautiful, relaxing gardens.


Unique and locally-crafted Gemstone & Sterling Silver Jewelry

Coffee & Snack Bar

In our Coffee and Snack Bar you can enjoy delicious, hot, organic coffee, cold, refreshing water, soft drinks and teas, and a variety of snacks!

Blair Justice & Joan Colburn

Co-owners of Crystal Visions
Since 1989

Young Living Essential Oils

YLEO BottlesNature’s Perfect Solutions for Body, Mind and Spirit

The essential oils in Young Living’s collection are life-enhancing gifts from the plant kingdom, revered for centuries for their restorative properties to body, mind, and spirit.

For more information, ask Blair, or click here!

Diotima Mantineia

DIOTIMA MANTINEIA has been giving Tarot Readings since they became a part of her life in 1987 as she trained to become a Wiccan Priestess.  Diotima considers a reading to be spiritual guidance and sees herself as the translator of that guidance. The reading is a map to future possibilities, which are never carved in stone, but the result of our choices and are always subject to your free will.”


Diotima, as well as tarot reading, gives Astrological readings as well.