
12-21 / Winter Solstice Ceremony w/ Don McMahon

The Winter Solstice marks the longest night of the year and the beginning of the return of the light and has always been acknowledged by humankind as one of the two most powerful turning points of the year.

Join us for a ceremony of reviewing, releasing and renewing.


December 21st

4:00- 5:30 pm

Please arrive 15 min early. Doors will close promptly at 4 pm.

Offerings for Don for his work and dedication appreciated


09-07 / A Channeled Event: Building the New Earth Energies into Our Physical Reality w/ Deb Acorn

Date: Saturday September, 7th
Time: 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Cost: $45 cash, Venmo, or Paypal
Pre-registration is encouraged but not required

A Channeled Event: Building the New Earth Energies into Our Physical Reality
How do We change our collective Reality into something more Beautiful, Expansive, and Wondrous?
We shift our own Selves. We bring the frequencies We want to experience into ourSelves and through to the external world. We build these energies into the Earth plane.
The Beings of Light are now calling the Builders.
Who are the Builders? All You who want to increase the presence of the New Earth energies. These energies include expanded states of:  Love, Peace, Joy, Compassion, Unity, and Harmony. 
In this channeled workshop, We’ll work together with channeled messages, meditations, and discussion to increase the frequencies that We want to experience more fully. We’ll easily, gently, and profoundly transform our physical realities and our lives. 
In Love and Light, we’ll contribute to Humanity’s Great Transformation!

Presenter: Deb Acorn of Violet Light
Deb is a transformational energy worker and gifted channel. Compassion, Love, Peace, and Joy are her guiding Lights. First introduced to energy work in 1985, Deb currently offers Unity Field Healing sessions ( UFH works at the quantum level to connect a person to their Soul Self and much more. In Service, Deb channels messages and energies from the High Beings of Light, asking for the person’s Highest Good. Deb also leads guided meditations and workshops for spiritual growth and development. Her work is designed to assist people to release old patterns and energies and to integrate new ways of Being.
To pre-register: contact Deb by texting 864-993-5623 or email at

08-17 / Seeking Happiness in Our Era for an Effective Collective w/ Lisa Heathfield

Date: Saturday -August, 17th
Time: 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Cost: Complimentary, Donations Gratefully Received

Seeking Happiness in Our Era for an Effective Collective w/ Lisa Heathfield

It’s undeniable that we face many issues as modern humans, and it will likely take the collective a generation to remedy. From my vantage point most are ill equipped to contribute to the collective as effectively as they could, as most people are not deeply secure in themselves.   It takes a great deal of emotional maturity, resilience, and courage to operate with confidence when the outcomes are hard to predict.  With intention these traits can be cultivated, and honed. We cannot control the world around us, but each of us has the ability to control how it affects us, and by mastering this art we become more effective for the collective. It’s undeniable that the world we were raised for, the one that mirrored the America of yesterday, is gone replaced by these unprecedented times.  Adaptability, Authenticity, and Resilience will be the determinant to our success going forward, not sticking to formulas of old.
As one with a lifetime of experience in navigating unpredictable, weird, and difficult situations, I’m here to offer my perspective.
Come join us for a ½ hour talk, followed by roundtable discussion on Aug 17th 3:00-4:00 PM,
Price-Complimentary Registration Required – to register email Lisa at

08-24 / Healing Depression & Anxiety Through the Chakras w/ Kelly Janae Harris

Saturday, August 24th
11:30AM – 1:30PM
Cost $20 –  Register here

Experience the power of Chakra Magic to Conquer Depression & Anxiety

Why the Chakras?

Chakra medicine offers a 100% holistic, natural path to healing mental and emotional health challenges on many levels of our multidimensional being!

❤️If you are a sensitive person who struggles to feel okay on a regular basis...

❤️ If you feel uncared for within mainstream mental healthcare environments…

~ Chakra Medicine Magic ~

⭐ Leverages the natural healing abilities of the human body

⭐ Releases blocked emotions

⭐ Transforms limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in undesirable mental states

⭐ Connects you with spirit guides & Divine frequencies

⭐  Supports your spiritual path to happiness & wholeness!

Chakra Magic is the perfect mental healthcare for sensitive Souls like you who need to feel balanced, loved, & free to be yourself in order to thrive in your life on Earth.

In This Workshop, You Will:

  1. Physically experience & check the health of chakras within your body
  2. Learn how disrupted chakra development leads to patterns of chronic depression and anxiety
  3. Connect with other like-minded, sensitive Souls who share your struggle
  4. Be guided into your chakras to identify & experience your own blocks through interactive exercises
  5. Brainstorm practical solutions to relieve your chakra blocks
  6. Spend quality time with a practitioner to ask questions & learn how to integrate chakra magic in your daily life


Your Guide: Kelly Janae Harris

Energy Healing Practitioner & Emotional Resilience Coach

I Know How it Feels to be Trapped in Anxiety & Depression.

I spent most of my adolescent and adult life suffering from:

  • Social Anxiety
  • Suicidal Ideation
  • General Anxiety
  • Emotional Discomfort
  • Bipolar mood swings
  • Depression
  • Low Self-Esteem

(I also spent 2 years on a mood stabilizer, and 3.5 years tapering off that drug, using 100% holistic lifestyle changes, spiritual tools and energy healing.)

I have spent the past 10 years discovering how to heal my chronic depression & anxiety naturally.

Now, my healing work focuses on helping people move out of chronic depression & anxiety, and into a life of personal freedom, joy, inner peace, & confidence.

08-10/ Shamanic Family Constellations w/ Eric Lopez

August 10th
2:30 to 5:30 pm
$44 cash at door

Shamanic Family Constellations with Eric Lopez
Join us for an Amazing Journey into the Energies of your Ancestry.
Resolve Fates that may Not Belong To You!.
Explore the Hidden Dynamics of Your Life’s Challenges.
Eric Lopez’s Shamanic Family Constellation Work is a powerful group process that can dramatically shift generations of suffering and unhappiness.

08-17/ Red Full Moon Guided Akashic Records Immersion w/ Holly Hawkins

Red Full Moon Guided Akashic Records Immersion!
Date: Saturday, August 17th
Time: 12 – 2 pm
Cost: Complimentary, Donations Gratefully Received

Celebrate and honor August’s full moon, known as the Red Moon, the Grain Moon or the Sturgeon Moon.

It is also the Full Moon in Aquarius 

During this 2-hour event, we will
* chat about the energies of this full moon
* reflect on how it is personally working with us, and then…
* Be taken on a Guided Journey in Your Own Akashic Records in support of these transformational full moon energies!

No Prior Experience in the Akashic Records is Required!

Registration is Required since space is Limited

Link to register:
Contact Information: Holly@HollyHawkins.Love

Your Guide:
Your guide for this Akashic Records workshop is Holly Hawkins. Holly is in her 14th year passionately working on a professional level, in the Akashic Records. She has taught spiritually striving individuals from all over the globe to access their own Akashic Records, as well as facilitated thousands of 1:1 sessions with clients from all walks of life.
Holly’s courses are offered in a safe, compassionate & supportive environment with plenty of time to digest, ask questions and receive guidance throughout. She knows that it is everyone’s birthright to access their Akashic Records if it is the right time for them personally. She is here to impart her deep understanding, gained from consistent work on both a personal and professional level, to give everyone the confidence to know that they, too, can be successful working in this sacred, spiritual and personally empowering dimension.
It is her JOY to celebrate each and every person who attends her classes, or comes for a 1:1 session, as they step into alignment with the deep Soul Wisdom that is flowing through them and live in deeper alignment with it.

Food Cravings and the Emotional Body By Dianne Carol

Food Cravings and the Emotional Body
by Dianne Carol

We have all had food cravings, some odder than others (pickles and ice cream have been a running joke for pregnant women for years). Cravings are our body’s way of telling us it wants something.

In interpreting those cravings, we can better understand what is needed. Are we hungry? Are we missing specific nutrients that the body needs? Are there emotional reasons for the craving?

In Ayurveda, (an over 3,000-year-old natural system of medicine from India that translates to “knowledge of life”) each of the 6 tastes is tied to a specific emotion. Knowing this connection, we can better understand the language of our body and what it may be trying to tell us.

Let’s briefly look over the 6 tastes and what their cravings may be telling us. For each one, there is a positive emotion as well as a negative emotion.

Sweet – the sweet taste is the building block for our body, it is the first taste we experience as a baby. Mother’s milk is sweet in taste and all our bodies need to grow. It is tied to love, compassion, joy and happiness. When we crave the sweet taste, maybe what we need is a hug. Is compassion, joy, or happiness what is needed? This is also why we often crave the foods of our childhood or something a loved one made – as it was made with love and what we crave is the memory of that moment more than the food itself. When we overindulge in sweets to the point of excess, the emotions connected are greed, attachment, & possessiveness.

Salty –  sodium is needed to balance the fluids in our body and for nerve and muscle health. It can enhance the other flavors in our foods when used in a balanced way and can be used in excess to preserve foods. The salty flavor is tied to the emotions of courage, enthusiasm, and confidence. How are you feeling emotionally when you crave the salty taste? Sad? Depressed? Bored? When in excess the emotions connected are greed, addiction, temptation, possessiveness, and irritability.

Sour – the sour taste helps us with digestion and appetite. The positive emotions are appreciation, comprehension, understanding, & discrimination. We not only digest food but we digest thoughts and emotions as well. If you crave sour things, you may be looking for clarity. It also awakens the mind and gets energy moving. In excess, it is tied to jealousy, criticism, hyperactivity, & agitation.

Pungent – think onions, garlic, chilis, and anything that adds heat to foods. This taste also helps with digestion and helps move stagnation in the body (think about runny noses after having spicy food). The emotions tied to this taste are enthusiasm, excitement, clarity, and vitality. When you crave the pungent flavor do you feel stagnant in your life? Are you craving excitement and adventure? In excess, it can point to aggressiveness, anger, competitiveness, and envy.

The next two tastes are not craved as often as the others as they are typically consumed mixed with other tastes.

Bitter – the bitter taste is quite cleansing and beneficial to the liver (think greens) – at one time it warned us of ingesting foods that contained toxins and to some is still a turn-off or is masked with other tastes such as sweet (coffee cocoa, tea). The bitter taste is tied to self-awareness, introspection, clarity, and detachment from the material. In excess, loneliness, separation, and cynicism.

Astringent – this “taste” is more of a mouth reaction than a flavor. It is the drying or sometimes puckering of the mouth typically due to tannins (think dry wine, underripe bananas, and pomegranate). The astringent taste is found subtly in a lot of herbs and spices as well as some foods. It is beneficial for the organs and helps release moisture and waste from the body. The positive emotions are grounded, collected, and cohesive. In excess; fear, resentment, rigidity, and anxiousness.

The next time you crave a certain food or find yourself eating a lot of one thing, consider the taste associated with it and ask yourself – is my emotional body trying to tell me something? How do I feel in this moment and what void am I trying to fill? Is it hunger? Nutrients? Or do I need to address some emotions?



Dianne Carol is an Ayurveda wellness coach as well as being trained in various healing modalities.  You can find her working at the register of Crystal Visions where she loves to meet and talk to the customers. She is also available for readings and energy work at the store.



Link to previous Blog Post: Animal Communication: A Pet Project by Jonna Rae Bartges

09-14 / Death & Dying – Creating a Sacred Legacy w/ Jonna Rae Bartges

Saturday, September 14th
Noon – 1:30 PM
Cost: $20

Death & Dying – Creating a Sacred Legacy

As Steve Jobs lay dying, his last words were a joyful, “Oh! Wow!” He was overwhelmed with the expansive beauty of the new world he was entering.  While our culture is so hesitant to talk about death, none of us gets out of here alive. We can’t avoid dying, but we CAN learn compassionate and deeply meaningful ways to enrich the process for loved ones, and even ourselves. This Second Saturday: PSI Works presentation replaces fear with facts, and provides positive, proactive steps to help us navigate the emotionally charged passage from this life to the next.  Jonna Rae will also share details about her own near-death experience. Tuition: $20

Pre-registration is not required.  Participants can enter a drawing for a free intuitive reading valued at $100.


Every second Saturday at Crystal Visions, Jonna Rae Bartges will shine a light on a different topic selected to raise consciousness, spark curiosity, and increase intuitive ability.  Psychic and empathic since childhood, when she was 24 Jonna Rae left her newspaper editor job to go on a spiritual quest to learn if she was psychic, or psychotic.  During that two-year period, she was shown, in a deep meditation, how to help others tap into and learn to trust their own intuitive ability.  She created PSI: Practical Spirituality Institute, as an international educational resource to share the happy medium between science and spirituality.  Jonna Rae is an author, Emmy-winning television producer, and an approved provider of professional development contact hours for nurses. Learn more at


08-31 / Introduction to Energy Medicine w/ Dr. Filiz Bakir

Introduction to Energy Medicine

Date: August 31st
Time: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Discover the Magic of Energy Medicine!
Join Dr. Filiz Bakir for a transformative 90-minute class where you’ll embark on a journey into the world of
Energy Medicine, guided by the teachings of her mentors Donna Eden and Carolyn Myss and Dr. Patrick Veret,
MD, renowned pioneers in the field.

What You’ll Learn:
 The Basics of Energy Medicine
 Understand the fundamental principles that make Energy Medicine a powerful tool for enhancing your life.
 Awakening Your Inner Vitality
 Learn how to tap into your body’s natural energies to boost resilience, joy, and enthusiasm.
 Practical Techniques for Balancing Energies
 Experience hands-on practices such as tapping, tracing energy pathways. Learn how to keep your Polarity
strong, balance your Chakras, weave a strong Auric Field and much more.
 Healing Through Energy
 Discover how to use Energy Medicine to regulate your body’s chemistry, improve your mood, and enhance
cognitive clarity.

Why Attend?
 Enhance Your Well-being: Learn techniques to help you feel better, think better, and thrive in today’s world.
 Hands-On Experience: Engage in practical exercises that you can incorporate into your daily routine.
 Community Connection: Connect with like-minded individuals and share in the collective energy of the group.

RSVP Today!
Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the healing power of Energy Medicine. Whether you’re new to the concept
or looking to deepen your understanding, this class is for you.
Reserve your spot now and step into a world of vibrant health and vitality.
For more information:
Call 954-224-4461


Dr. Filiz Bakir is a beacon of holistic healing with over two decades of experience in Oriental and Integrative Medicine. Licensed in both Florida and North Carolina, Dr. Bakir now brings her wealth of knowledge and expertise to the serene landscapes of Hendersonville.

Nestled within the historic walls of Inspiration-House, Dr. Bakir’s practice is a testament to the seamless fusion of tradition and innovation. Built in 1935 by the esteemed first head physician of Pardee Hospital, Inspiration-House serves as the perfect backdrop for holistic health care, community building, and personal empowerment.

Drawing from a rich tapestry of healing modalities, Dr. Bakir’s approach encompasses Energy Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Nutrition, Trauma Resolution, and Western Functional Medicine. With a philosophy rooted in blending the ancient wisdom of the East with the cutting-edge science of the West, she offers a unique path to restoring health and vitality—naturally.

Whether you seek personalized medical care or wish to participate in enriching events, Dr. Bakir extends a warm invitation to join her on a journey towards holistic wellness and empowered living. Step into Inspiration-House and embark on a transformational experience for your body, mind, and spirit.

Animal Communication: A Pet Project by Jonna Rae Bartges

Animal Communication: A Pet Project
by Jonna Rae Bartges

Years ago, when I lived in San Diego with my late husband, we were always taking little excursions to explore the near-by mountains.  Big Bear Lake was a favorite spot.

During one of our sojourns there, we visited the wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center.  Its team responds to all types of animal emergencies, and they’re able to return 90% of the animals they care for back into the wild.  It’s only when an animal has been injured to the extent that it could never survive on its own that it becomes a permanent resident.

So it was with a majestic Great Horned Owl, whose wing had been shattered by a bullet.  The magnificent beast was sitting on a limb of a tree, calmly staring at us from behind the wire fence encircling his little patch of earth.  Even though he was well-loved and cared for by the sanctuary team, I felt bad he couldn’t fly free.

“I’m so sorry you’re in this cage,” I thought at the beautiful creature.

“Who among you is NOT?” he immediately demanded telepathically.  Startled, I stepped back.  And then I sent the wise being so much love and gratitude.

Animals have always been talking to us, and they’re NOT just thinking, ‘what’s for dinner?’  It’s WE who need to be trained to listen.  In this blog, I’m sharing the seven steps to talk to animals, and the biggest mistake we can make when trying to connect.  Sit!  Stay!

1.Get into your heart.

We tend to be in our heads most of the time.  This is where we store knowledge.  Every book we’ve ever read, every class we’ve taken, everything we’ve ever experienced or heard someone else talking about – all that takes up a lot of space in our head.  Our head is also the source of our judgment, editing, projecting – all of which we’re doing, consciously or unconsciously, every moment of every day.

To prove this to yourself, turn on your TV.  Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and just listen to the audio from whatever program you have on.  If the sound had a color, what color would it be?  If the sound had a shape, and a texture, what would THAT look like?  Again, what color is the sound?  And how does it make you feel?

Now, just ‘pretend’ that you’re moving your ears down onto your heart.  You’re now listening to that TV show through those ears on your heart.  If the sound you’re hearing had a color, what color would it be?  As you continue to listen through the ears on your heart, if the sound had a shape, and a texture, what would THAT look like?  Again, what color is the sound as you’re listening through your heart, and how does it make you feel?

So, could you notice any kind of a difference in what you were perceiving as you shifted your focus from your head to your heart?

The head is Knowledge, where we judge.  The heart is Wisdom, where we compassionately connect.  The more you practice shifting from your head into your heart, the more profound a difference you’ll be able to detect.

Our pets, and all animals, are coming from that heart-centered perspective.  So, the first step in effective animal communication is shifting your ears, and your mouth, onto your heart. You’re going from a place of judgment to one of lovingly syncing up.

2. Don’t make eye contact. That’s a power thing.

Instead, respectfully keep your eyes focused down to show respect and submissiveness.

3. Ask permission to connect.

There’s a chance the animal just doesn’t desire to link up with you at this very moment.  So silently, with your mouth on your heart, ask the animal if they’d like to communicate with you.  Stay in that heart-centered space of compassion and respect.  You’ll be able to just ‘feel’ if the animal is interested or not.

4. Listen to see if they want to speak first.

When pets or even wild animals can feel you’re inviting connection in a positive, non-threatening way, you may find they’ve been waiting patiently for you to be receptive.  They just might have something to say to YOU now that they realize you’re truly listening.

5. Ask your question.

As you’re picturing your mouth being right there on your heart, ask the animal your question either silently or out loud.

6. Listen for the answer.

Just like when you were listening to the TV through your heart, it might feel a bit awkward at first trying to ‘hear’ what your pet is saying to you.  As with anything, the more you work at this, the easier it’s going to become to quickly get in the receptive zone and receive accurate information.

7. Thank the animal.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T!  Let the animal know you appreciate its patience with you as you learn this new ‘language.’  Remember, this new form of connecting is strange at first for your pets, too.  They’re not used to you shifting into their wavelength so intentionally, so give them a grace period to get used to it, too.

Shifting from your head into your heart to connect is a very powerful tool, and you’ll quickly see how it can completely change the dynamic between you and your pet in the most positive way.

Another effective method to communicate with the beasties when they’re venturing into the dark side is to shift your consciousness into your heart again, and this time, send them a picture of the behavior you DO desire of them.

For instance, when your dog is barking, what will you probably say?  “STOP BARKING,” right??  And what picture is that sending to the pup?  Your words, and the emotion behind them, are clearly sending your pet a strong picture of them barking.  Instead, think of what the ideal behavioral shift would be – maybe a silent, happy puppy playing with a favorite toy?  Send that thought to the dog instead and watch what starts to happen.

Be patient – you’re introducing a whole new way of connecting with your pets.  Both you and your animals will be making some profound energetic shifts.  But give it a try!  Linking up with your pet in such a compassionate and deep way can be a real treat – for both of you.

GOOD human!


Jonna Rae Bartges created PSI: Practical Spirituality Institute to be the happy medium between the worlds of science and spirit. She’s a Reiki Master attuned by Virginia Samdahl, Emmy-winning TV producer, author, speaker, and approved provider of professional development contact hours for nurses.  Every second Saturday at Crystal Visions, she teaches an interactive workshop to help people connect with their natural intuitive ability.  Learn more on her website at




Link to previous Blog Post: Enhancing Your Intuition and Spiritual Connection by Julie King

07-13 / Discover Your Akashic Records w/ Holly Hawkins

Date: Saturday, July 13th
Time: 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Cost: Complimentary, Donations Gratefully Received







The sublime dimension of the Akashic Records is available to you now as a resource for:
* healing
* release
* alignment
* peace
* clarity

Discover Your Akashic Records is a comprehensive introduction to this sacred dimension where you will learn to tap into your inner wisdom, understand your Self & your Life from your Soul’s perspective, and cultivate your confidence in guiding your life in alignment with your vision.

During this TWO-HOUR WORKSHOP you will:
* Understand what the Akashic Records are…and what they are not
* Discover your unique Soul Guidance Team in your Akashic Records
* Know that you have the ability, right here & now, to tap into this Sacred Resource of YOU!
* Learn to easily access this dimension using the Akashic Records Nouveau™ Invocation


NONE! There are no requirements to attend this introductory workshop, except your
sincere desire to know yourself at your core level, and you’re curious about
experiencing the empowerment that comes from working in your Akashic Records.

Holly Hawkins is your presenter, and guide, for this introduction to the Akashic Records. Holly is in her 13th year passionately working, on a professional level, in the Akashic Records. She’s taught spiritually striving individuals from all over the globe to access their own Akashic Records, as well as facilitated thousands of 1:1 sessions with clients from all walks of life.

It is everyone’s birthright to access their Akashic Records if it is the right time for them personally. Holly is here to impart her deep understanding, gained from consistent work on both a personal and professional level, to give everyone the confidence to know that they, too, can be successful working in this sacred, spiritual and personally empowering dimension.

It is her JOY to celebrate each and every person as they step into alignment with the deep
Soul Wisdom that is flowing through them.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Holly@HollyHawkins.Love

08-10 / Soul Contracts – Our Sacred Connections w/ Jonna Rae Bartges

Saturday,August 10th
Noon – 1:30 PM
Cost: $20

Soul Contracts – Our Sacred Connections

What does it mean when we meet someone, and instantly feel a strong attraction, or an equally strong aversion? Why do we keep facing the same challenges over and over again? What is it about family members that can push our buttons? In this Second Saturday: PSI Works afternoon, find out how agreements we make with others before we come into this lifetime have a profound impact on all of us. You will learn to get clarity on the most positive way for these connections to play out, and gain insight into learning the deep karmic lessons these soul contracts offer.

Pre-registration is not required.  Participants can enter a drawing for a free intuitive reading valued at $100.


Every second Saturday at Crystal Visions, Jonna Rae Bartges will shine a light on a different topic selected to raise consciousness, spark curiosity, and increase intuitive ability.  Psychic and empathic since childhood, when she was 24 Jonna Rae left her newspaper editor job to go on a spiritual quest to learn if she was psychic, or psychotic.  During that two-year period, she was shown, in a deep meditation, how to help others tap into and learn to trust their own intuitive ability.  She created PSI: Practical Spirituality Institute, as an international educational resource to share the happy medium between science and spirituality.  Jonna Rae is an author, Emmy-winning television producer, and an approved provider of professional development contact hours for nurses. Learn more at


Enhancing Your Intuition and Spiritual Connection by Julie King

Enhancing Your Intuition and Spiritual Connection
by Julie King

In this modern, seemingly chaotic world, inner balance is paramount to our personal stability. Listening and learning to trust our inner guidance is the key to navigating the swift changes taking place in our lives. When we feel anxious, our ability to totally trust our inner wisdom can become a bit wobbly. For myself, I find I need to refresh my connection to the Divine in joyful and fun ways these days for my intuition and stability.

As a longtime teacher of psychic development, I know everyone is psychic and they connect to the “Other/Great Mystery” or what we may call spirit, god, goddess, etc, in their own unique way.  There is no technique or spiritual practice that will work for everyone as we are like tuning forks ready to receive spiritual insights that are tuned to our individual frequencies. So we might need to experiment in order to hone our ways of connecting and find what really works for us.

We live in a primate “vehicle” on this Earth and we can enhance our psychic abilities by incorporating conscious sensory awareness of the body. Our physical senses and subtle senses are equally important and they work in tandem creating a beautiful dance.

For instance, the five physical senses of sight, smell, touch, hear, and taste correlate to the extrasensory perceptions known as the “clairs” used to connect to the spiritual realms.

Clairvoyance is “clear seeing” of divinatory information and manifests as visions of past, present or future, beings, other dimensions, and more.  Clairalience, or clairscent means “clear smelling” such as noticing fragrances that are not present in the physical environment.

Clairsentience means “clear feeling” such as experiencing a “gut feeling” about something or someone and also feeling others’ pain and emotions.  Clairaudience means “clear hearing” of sounds such as celestial music, other’s thoughts, and interdimensional sounds.

Clairgustance is  “clear tasting” which can manifest as tasting nectar while praying or meditating.

Claircognizance means “clear knowing” which is the ability to know something with no prior knowledge and combines all of the senses.

In order to stimulate psychic awareness, try to combine practices and involve your physical senses. For instance: get comfortable, lie down, close your eyes and listen to some instrumental music (fairly loud) and notice do you get any images with the music? How does your body feel? Do you have any emotional responses? Do you think or feel loved ones that you miss whether living or deceased? Do you feel like you are traveling in space? If you want to move your body then move it! Put on a different kind of instrumental music. If you get nothing and think it is a waste of your time that is fine. It is an experiment.

Another exercise is to take time to go lie down and close your eyes on a nice patch of grass under the sun. Notice any sounds that you hear, feel the warmth of the sun on your body and the ground on your back. Let your thoughts drift, float, see if you feel you are traveling. Notice the sounds  as you try to hear them close and then farther away. What smells do you notice?

Is there a breeze? Any taste as you focus on the smells? Is it too hot, or itchy and feels stupid?

It does not matter, it is an experiment. Try this same type of exercise at night under the stars and moon and see which you prefer. They will both stimulate your energy centers and support your Auric field.

One more is to get comfortable,  sitting or lying down, and in the quiet, try to visualize yourself suspended in a sea of color. Any color. Is it sparkly? Does it feel comfortable or does it make you anxious? Change the colors or visualize being surrounded by space and planets. If nothing happens it is okay. Then get up and put on some music and dance!

The whole idea is to bring more awareness into your sensual body by trying different scenarios. This cross-platform simple type of exercise will stimulate your psychic and physical senses by feeding the subtle body through your physical body.  It is a type of refreshment for the Soul and yes it will increase your psychic awareness also.



Julie King has been a professional psychic, healer and spiritual teacher for over 45 years. She has studied with numerous spiritual teachers around the globe and has been been featured on radio, tv and print media.You can book a reading with her at Crystal Visions or email her at




Link to previous Blog Post: A Neo-Druid on Synchronicity by E.B. McDonald

06-20 / Summer Solstice Group Energy Healing w/ Regina Casey Rae

Summer Solstice Group Energy Healing w/ Regina Casey Rae
Thursday, June 20, 2024
400 -5;00 pm
Cost: $30 in advance (by 5pm the day prior to the healing), $35 at the door

Join us to ride the Summer Solstice energies for this in-person Group Energy Healing at Crystal Visions. Regina will energize you deeply, and clear and optimize your Energetic Pathways and Energy Bodies during this auspicious time. She will also clear any conditioning that is creating stagnant energy.

This event will likely fill quickly. Sign up now!

To register, contact Regina at



Regina uses multiple modalities in her practice, though primarily VortexHealing®, a Divine energy healing system in which she is certified at the highest level (  Regina combines her healing skills with kindness, compassion, keen perception, and a depth of knowledge that comes from years of experience.  While she enjoys group healing work, Regina also does one-on-one sessions both in person and at a distance.  Contact her at for more information. 

10-05 / Reiki I Practitioner Class w/ Jonna Rae Bartges


“The only difference between Christ and us 

 is that He was born knowing He was divine,  

and we go to the grave denying that we are.”

— Virginia Samdahl 

First Occidental Reiki Master 




Become a Reiki I Practitioner
Saturday, October 5th   1pm – 5pm
Tuition: $145 – Pre-registration required  

Reiki means “Universal Life Energy.” Join the growing global Reiki Community,

and first learn how to heal yourself, body, mind emotions and spirit.

Then learn how to grow and focus your natural healing ability to radiate

balance, compassion and love to others, and the entire world.

In Reiki I, you will: 

  1. Learn the history of the form of energy healing known as Reiki.
  2. Be attuned to Reiki by a Reiki Master Teacher with 46 years in the field.
  3. Learn and practice the 12 hand positions for Reiki Self-Treatment.
  4. Learn and practice the 12 hand positions for giving a Reiki Treatment.
  5. Receive a Reiki workbook.
  6. Receive your lineage and a Reiki Certificate acknowledging you as a member of the global Reiki Community

Reiki Master Teacher Jonna Rae Bartges was attuned to Reiki Healing in 1978 by Virginia Samdahl, the first occidental Reiki Master.  Since that time, Jonna Rae has attuned hundreds of students to Reiki One and Two, and brought 55 to Reiki Mastership. She works extensively with nurses, social workers, and others in the healing arts.

Reserve your space at; click on the Reiki tab to reserve your space.

09-14 / Sound Meditation w/ Resonance for Healing

Date: Saturday, September 14th
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm

Join Resonance for Healing for a supportive and healing sound meditation.  We will create a healing container in which we will balance the energy systems, support the nervous system and drop into a deeply relaxed and nourishing space for healing.  Attention will be given to each individual in attendance for a personalized experience.

Instruments such as gongs, Himalayan bowls, crystal bowls, handpan, drums and more will be used.

Bring  a yoga mat, blanket or anything you need to feel comfortable during the meditation.  Please arrive ten minutes early to allow yourself to settle into your spot.

Space is limited for this event.

Cost is $25 : Registration can be found at


As a teacher for the Sound Healing Academy and a Sound Healing practitioner Eric brings extensive experience to working with methods for reducing the effects of stress, regulating the nervous system and supporting the natural healing ability of the body to each session.

06-29 / Sound Meditation w/ Resonance for Healing

Date: Saturday, June 29th
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm

Join Resonance for Healing for a supportive and healing sound meditation.  We will create a healing container in which we will balance the energy systems, support the nervous system and drop into a deeply relaxed and nourishing space for healing.  Attention will be given to each individual in attendance for a personalized experience.

Instruments such as gongs, Himalayan bowls, crystal bowls, handpan, drums and more will be used.

Bring  a yoga mat, blanket or anything you need to feel comfortable during the meditation.  Please arrive ten minutes early to allow yourself to settle into your spot.

Space is limited for this event.

Cost is $25 : Registration can be found at


As a teacher for the Sound Healing Academy and a Sound Healing practitioner Eric brings extensive experience to working with methods for reducing the effects of stress, regulating the nervous system and supporting the natural healing ability of the body to each session.

07-13 / How the Plant Kingdom is Rooting for You w/ Jonna Rae Bartges

Saturday, July 13th
Noon – 1:30 PM
Cost: $25

How the Plant Kingdom is Rooting for You

Establish a heart to heart connection with the consciousness of plants, and have an actual conversation with several different living plants, and some petrified ones with millions of years of wisdom. In this Second Saturday: PSI Works event, you’ll use that new  awareness to merge with the healing and restorative energies of plants through  aromatherapy, teas, and tinctures.  Essential oils themselves will give you information on how they can best help you come into healing balance.

Pre-registration is not required.  Participants can enter a drawing for a free intuitive reading valued at $100.


Every second Saturday at Crystal Visions, Jonna Rae Bartges will shine a light on a different topic selected to raise consciousness, spark curiosity, and increase intuitive ability.  Psychic and empathic since childhood, when she was 24 Jonna Rae left her newspaper editor job to go on a spiritual quest to learn if she was psychic, or psychotic.  During that two-year period, she was shown, in a deep meditation, how to help others tap into and learn to trust their own intuitive ability.  She created PSI: Practical Spirituality Institute, as an international educational resource to share the happy medium between science and spirituality.  Jonna Rae is an author, Emmy-winning television producer, and an approved provider of professional development contact hours for nurses. Learn more at


04-26 / CANCELED Connecting with the Angels w/ Vecchi Talarico

Unfortunately this Event has Been Canceled.

Friday April 26th
11:30 – 1:30 PM
Cost: $30 / Cash at Door

Most people believe in angels, but far fewer understand how to have a real relationship with them. Angels are always faithful with their guidance, inspiration, and support.

The content of this class will include a background of the different orders of angels, what their purposes are, and how to work with them to assist you on your life journey. There will also be a guided meditation to connect with your personal guardian angel. Vecchi’s passion to help others through all things angelic include angel oracle card readings and classes where she can help and teach those interested to be aware of the unwavering presence and support angels can have in our lives.


Vecchi Talarico hails from Fort Wayne Indiana and has been collaborating with the angels for over 20 years. Her relationship with them has been life changing. Vecchi will help you experience the joy, healing, and positive changes having an intimate relationship with the angels can provide.

Vecchi is also an Emotional Release Practitioner assisting clients in clearing negative emotions that keep them from experiencing their highest potential and purpose.

Pre-Registration Appreciated at

04-08 / Solar Eclipse Viewing from the Garden

Join us at Crystal Visions to view the Solar Eclipse from the Garden.

Don’t Forget to bring your solar  eclipse glasses!!!

Monday April 8th – 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

*May 18th – 35th Anniversary Gathering in the Garden

Crystal Visions 35th Anniversary Gathering in the Garden


An Intuitive Arts Fair & Celebration

May 18th,  11am – 5pm

Readings $25 for 20 min  (cash)

*Julie King – Intuitive Tarot
*Trish Hurley – Divination
*Allison Frank – Asheville Oracle Tarot
*Cheryl Grace – Psychic, Medium & Soul Contracts
*E. B. McDonald – Tarot & Runes
*Jonna Rae – SpiritTalk: Compassionate Mediumship
*Pardee – Crystal Readings

*Atena – Aura Photography  $30 per photo plus $15 optional add on
*Sadhvi  Velasquez – Massage, Reiki , Craniosacral $20 for 10 min
*Trey Warner – Reiki & Tuning Forks $60 for 30 min
*Regina Rae –  Small Group Energy Healing $10 for 20 minutes

*Adora & The Soul Institute – High Vibe Aromatics
*Zoe Adele Allison Rockingbear
*Donald T. McMahon


Schedule of  Special Events

(schedule subject to change due to weather)

11:00 am – Blessing Circle w/ Trish Hurley & Sadhvi Velasquez

12:00 – 12:45 pm – Chanting & Circle Songs w/ Donald T. McMahon

1:00 – 1:30 pm – Kids Activity w/ Dianne Carol

2:00 – 2:45 pm – Soul Contracts w/ Jonna Rae

3:00 pm – Cake Cutting

3:15 – 3:45 pm – Kids Activity w/ Dianne Carol

4:00 – 4:45 pm – Drumming w/ Zoe Adele Allison – Rockingbear

A Neo-Druid on Synchronicity by E.B. McDonald

A Neo-Druid on Synchronicity
By E.B. (Formerly Meredith) McDonald


You’ve probably heard the term ‘Synchronicity’.  If we are of the same age we may have first seen the word on an album cover. You may have read this article because the word keeps popping up and something in you says ‘read that!’ If so, you have experienced the phenomenon of Synchronicity and you are ready to pay attention. Replace the word ‘Synchronicity’ with ‘Omen,’ ‘Sign’ or ‘Coincidence’ and you get the idea. Usually, by the time we identify the thing that keeps popping up we are driven to learn WHY?

Carl Jung, one of the Fathers of Psychology, married the Science of Physics with the science of Psychology by coining the term.  He describes Synchronicity as “An Acausal Connecting Principle.”  Our ‘western’ world view is vastly driven by causality.  There is a logical reason for everything that takes place with no value placed on information received by our psyche.  When the randomness of daily life (Physical Reality) enters our perception (Psyche) and sends a message that sparks recognition and meaning, Synchronicity is at play.

So . . . what does this have to do with you? Glad you asked! Nothing – absolutely nothing.  Unless . . . you ever find yourself feeling disconnected from the world around you; maddened by the thought that you are missing something; or just plain curious about that crow that shows up every morning and caws three times.  Speaking for myself – all of these things have caused me to envelope my life with a symbolic radar that has served me well.  If you’d like to build one of your own – read on!

For the purposes of this article I will be using the terms ‘signs’ or ‘omens’ to refer to the images, sounds, words, living things, and objects that represent the ‘physical’ aspects of Synchronicity. Agreed? (If not – feel free to replace those word with ‘doo-hickey’ or ‘wossname’ for Pratchett fans)

We are going to start with the most important step to living a vibrant synchronistic life.  Symbols and coincidences are great for fleeting moments of good memories or chuckles. And the phenomenon happens to every living soul. But our purpose here is to weave these signs into a tapestry that answers bigger questions about life and helps us feel supported and even validated in our decisions.

If you are squeezing up your face with an expression of minor dread thinking …. She’s gonna say ‘JOURNAL’, damn it, …. You’re right!!! Tell them what they’ve won, Dr. Jung! That’s right – a pen and paper. (Preferably a bunch of papers all bound up together so that you can easily refer back to your notes. They have a Killer selection at CRYSTAL VISIONS) I use spiral bound weekly Calendars like ‘Llewellyn’s Astrological Calendar’ so that the pen can hook into the spiral and the space to write isn’t intimidating.  That’s where I write the random happenings of my day that might just develop into signs and omens.

If you hate writing with a pen and paper – type it up in word or excel.  Excel offers great tools for being able to use your journal as a reference book.  I’ve just never managed the discipline to keep this up.  But, if you live on a laptop or tablet – go for it!  You may also be more interested in a photo journal.  iPhone recently added an App called ‘Journal’ that will actually suggest things happening on your calendar or photos you took as journal topics (Yeah, I know it feels creepy.  But just think of it as an extension of the Universe sending you signs).

The purpose of writing things down may seem obvious, but let me explain.  The act of writing or taking a photo makes what is just another momentary experience into something solid. It is, now, something YOU created.  It may be like a sandwich – consumed and forgotten.  Or it may be something a year from now that changes your view of yourself and the world around you (And . . . I do not exaggerate. I have made startling connections from a few words written with a DATE included).

So, what constitutes a ‘sign’? Literally anything. A song that keeps popping up; a bunny crossing the road; a billboard with a tiger on it; a word; something in a dream; something in a reading (those count double) – literally anything that makes you notice. Write it down with a date and time, if possible. Go an extra step and look it up – and write it down. (I love Ted Andrews’ ANIMAL SPEAK for this, but there are thousands of books of symbols and omenry)  Tarot and Omen decks are great for this too.  The more you explore the meaning of symbols, the better your messages to your future self will become.

Again, Synchronicity is a vast and constantly occurring phenomenon. Hopefully, this article has introduced the concept and triggered an interest that will lead you to a next step.  I highly recommend Pam Grout’s E-Squared books. They are full of exercises to connect psychology to physics or, if you prefer, your mind to the universe.



EB McDonald started Weekday Spirit (@weekdayspirit) to share ideas and practices that will infuse our mundane moments with bright sparks of spirituality. She’s been a Druid Priest, a financial planner, an event seller, an accountant, a performer and has seen daily magical moments in every profession. She reads tarot and runes at Crystal Visions – call for appointment times or email her at




Link to previous Blog Post: Tarot Mysteries Hidden in Plain Sight by Allison Frank

05-11 / Starseed Activation Event with Tools to Navigate From 3D to 5D w/ Mark & Tara Shryock

Saturday May 11th
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Tickets via Event-bright: $24.74

Join us for an immersive experience at the Starseed Activation Event! Discover powerful tools to help you transition from the 3D world to the higher frequencies of the 5D realm. This in-person event will be held at the enchanting Crystal Visions. Connect with like-minded individuals and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Are you ready to elevate your consciousness and embrace your true cosmic potential? Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity!

The purpose of this event is to raise all participants’ vibrational field. Because of the vibrational energy of this event, we ask you to use caution and perhaps spend some time grounding and clearing the energy before driving afterward. We ask if possible that for a few days to be quiet and still as much as possible to allow the energies to integrate into you. We will discuss this moment in time now occurring and its relationship to Atlantis. We will also cover what the Ascension means and the difference between working with 3D old Earth energy and 5D new Earth energy that the planet Earth has now moved into. In addition, we will discuss starseed energy as well as the Galactic forces of love and light that are now working directly with us. We will cover Ascension symptoms and how to best integrate the tremendous. energies presently coming in and how they may be physically affecting you.

The event will be hosted by Mark A. Shryock and his daughter Tara. Tara is a starseed from the Pleiadian star system, next to the Orion belt. Tara will be drawing a special drawing given to her by the Pleiadians as well as a message for all of us at the event. Tara will also describe some things about her Pleiadian home and answer questions from the guests towards the end. Mark is not Pleiadian but works with them very closely, and in the times of their ascension walked many lifetimes with them. He is what some term a blue ray, a multi-dimensional soul, capable of channeling and transmuting energy, and is presently here to work with Starseeds as they remember and align to their mission during this time of Ascension.

Tickets must be purchased in advance at Eventbrite. Tickets are 20.00 and with Tx 24.74 checkout. Tickets are available up to 10 min before event if tickets remain.

12-21 / Yule Celebration

Yule Celebration
Saturday, December 21st
11:00 am – 12:15 pm


⬧Come celebrate Yule with local author and Brigid priestess, Lisa Wagoner.

Yule marks the Winter Solstice on the Wheel of the Year.
A meditation, discussion of Yule/Winter Solstice, a brief ritual, and a Yule activity will be offered & more!
Love offerings gratefully accepted.⬧

This will be an ongoing Sabbats Series.


Lisa Wagoner is a writer, author of Positive Pagan: Staying Upbeat in an Offbeat World, a healing guide, teacher, and coach. She lives in Asheville (NC), and is a devoted follower of the goddess Brigid. She offers private readings, coaching, healing sessions and workshops, and can usually be found outside tending to her home wildlife sanctuary. Her latest offering is her Substack, “Opener of Stuck Spaces”. She is passionate about herbalism, worldwide community and healing.

07-27 / Lammas/ Lughnasadh Celebration

Lammas / Lughnasdh Celebration
Saturday, July 22nd
11:00 am – 12:15 pm


⬧Come celebrate Lammas/Lughnasadh with local author and Brigid priestess, Lisa Wagoner.

Lammas/Lughnasadh marks the first harvest on the Wheel of the Year.
A meditation, discussion of Lammas/Lughnasadh, a brief ritual, and a Lammas activity will be offered & more!
Love offerings gratefully accepted.⬧

This will be an ongoing Sabbats Series.


Lisa Wagoner is a writer, author of Positive Pagan: Staying Upbeat in an Offbeat World, a healing guide, teacher, and coach. She lives in Asheville (NC), and is a devoted follower of the goddess Brigid. She offers private readings, coaching, healing sessions and workshops, and can usually be found outside tending to her home wildlife sanctuary. Her latest offering is her Substack, “Opener of Stuck Spaces”. She is passionate about herbalism, worldwide community and healing.