WHAT’S UP – August 2024
Astrologer Belinda C. Dunn
Leo New Moon
August 4 @ 7:13 am EDT
Mercury retrograde
August 5 @ 12:56 am EDT
Aquarius Full Moon
August 19 @ 2:26 pm EDT
As summer Sun heats up and beats down, it’s time to buckle up for the roller coaster ride of August. Planetary trends are in full force, intensifying uncertainty and unrest. Up and down, and all around, muddling through unforeseen complications is a full time job for many people.
Similar to children running from one ride to another, in all directions at once, drama runs high. The house of mirrors can be fun, or perhaps a spin on the bumper cars is next? But one thing is certain, in this carnival like atmosphere of a highly controversial and consequential election season, anything goes.
Let’s begin with the cross quarter day of Lammas on August 1, timed halfway between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox. There is a subtle, but distinct, shift in the quality of light as first crops come to harvest. Traditionally, bread is baked with freshly harvested grain, and ceremonies of gratitude are performed.
Early in the month, on August 4, a New Moon in Leo sets the stage for weeks to come. In this case, both Sun and Moon are highly energized by Jupiter and Mars in Gemini. This is a supportive and positive combination, and themes revolve around leadership and authority, power and control, messengers and the message.
Jupiter transits through Gemini every 12 years. Currently in the zodiac sign of education, Jupiter is activating key planets in the USA chart, namely Uranus and Mars. A full scale, no holds barred campaign is taking place from a variety of perspectives. Jupiter can elevate the dialog while offering a smorgasbord of options. The good news with Jupiter in Gemini (May 2024 – June 2025) is open mindedness, transparency, and more availability of information.
However, think of communication as thought waves that carry specific points of view strung together by energetic lines of information. In this contentious, high stakes election season these lines are flooded with misinformation, tainted with division, and manipulated by hired media specialists. These digital streams of data are controlled and biased, fashioned to influence and persuade the voting public.
As much as circumstances beg for and demand decision, Mercury is retrograde for most of August. Necessary and important conversations are taking place even though consensus may be hard to come by. Plans and proposals are in revision based on fluctuating circumstances, and firm decisions will come later. Now it the time to lay all options on the table for consideration.
Going retrograde in Virgo on August 4, the mental environment is logical, critical and discerning. This is a good thing, because Virgo is practical, reasonable and precise. In other words, sweeping generalizations and unfounded promises will be put to the test, and examined thoroughly. Across the board, many situations can improve with the help of Virgo’s common sense. Additionally, Venus transits through Virgo (August 4 – 29), and Sun enters Virgo on August 22.
On August 14, Mars conjuncts Jupiter in a fairly rare, every 2+ year aspect. On the positive side, this planetary combination enhances motivational, inspirational and high minded dialog. On the more troubling side, Mars activating Jupiter can be arrogant, grandiose, pretentious and self righteous. Obviously, all the ingredients are present for over-the-top proclamations and promises.
However, Mercury retrogrades back into Leo on August 14, and over the next week, Mars joins Jupiter in a tense square to Saturn. This is especially notable as Jupiter square Saturn occurs approximately every five years. Known as the social planets, working together they define structures of government, law, institutions, education, and social norms.
This interesting combination carries even more weight as the first square since the initial conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn in December 2020. Therefore, this is a testing of founding principles, perspective, and the arc of social development over long cycles. By now, Jupiter is in Gemini, and Saturn is transiting through Pisces. On one hand, Jupiter encourages open dialog, diversity and progress. On the other hand, Saturn reflexes to the past, reflecting on the “good ole days,” in an attempt to turn back the clock.
Planetary squares, especially between Jupiter and Saturn, can intensify the need to break through restrictions while bringing situations to a stalemate. It is a crossroads of potentials, a pause to regroup and venture forward with cautious optimism. This is the first of three squares taking place over months (August 14, December 24, June 16, 2025).
This brings us to a potent Full Moon, a SuperMoon, exact on August 19. Not only is this the first day of the DNC convention, but numerous astrological trends converge to boost energy, and up the ante. Let’s take them one by one.
First, this is the first of four SuperMoons occurring over the course of months (August 19, September 18, October 17, November 15). Due to the Moon’s closest orbital approach to Earth, the Moon appears 14% larger and 30% brighter. A SuperMoon is a Full Moon on steroids.
A standout feature in this Full Moon chart is a T-square. This configuration occurs when two planets are in opposition to each other with a third planet squaring them both. In this instance, Venus in Virgo is opposite Saturn in Pisces. This is a sign of bittersweet endings tinged with the challenge to let go and trust the process. Reminiscing, assessment and grief are part of the process of regrouping and moving forward.
Meanwhile, Venus and Saturn are squaring the Mars/Jupiter conjunction. Taking place over days, all these aspects play out from August 14-22. There is contradiction here as many factors collide, perhaps summarized as enthusiasm tempered with realistic assessment.
Mars squares Saturn exactly just after midnight (EDT) on August 15. Likened to one foot on the gas pedal with the other on the brake, this aspect can be frustrating, at the very least. It is best to not force solutions, or give into pressure. There may be interruptions to plans, and delays to rework strategies and reverse course. The general atmosphere tends to be deflated, irritable, tired and impatient. This is the “give it a rest,” aspect.
If this isn’t enough, another fascinating piece of the puzzle involves Venus and Mars. The most commonly used symbols in biology for the female and male of species are identical to the astrology symbols for Venus and Mars. In ancient mythology, Venus was the goddess of love/beauty/harmony, and Mars was the god of competition/athletics/war.
On August 22, Venus engages Mars in a tense and powerful square. Putting a spotlight on numerous social issues, Venus is transiting through Virgo, the zodiac sign of work and health. It’s time for women and men to speak up on behalf of families everywhere. It’s not a secret that many communities are grappling with underfunded public education and other vital social services. People are working longer to make ends meet. The list goes on to include soaring costs of housing, availability of health care, widespread substance abuse . . . no wonder, the average family feels downtrodden at every turn.
No matter what issues come to the fore, there will be differences in approach, and tense debate for the upper hand. The whole dynamic between the sexes will be on full display. The loving nature of Venus can express as the “iron fist in the velvet glove.” Meanwhile, Mars in Gemini is up front, blunt and bold. This planetary combination is alluring and attractive as much as it can stir up contrast and aversion between the sexes.
Finally, in the build up to the Full Moon, retrograde Mercury makes a second square to Uranus the day before, August 18. Additionally, like an exclamation point, Sun conjuncts Mercury on the same day. This is an important day in any retrograde cycle, signaling decisive moments and major decisions.
But, let’s back up to the first of three Mercury squares to Uranus on Sunday, July 21. This was the day President Biden announced his decision to not seek a second term. As shocking as this news was to many, it came as no surprise to others. This is the nature of Mercury squaring Uranus. Due to the timing of Mercury retrograde, there will continue to be after shocks and adjustments through to September 7, the third and final Mercury/Uranus activation.
For all of the empathetic sensitive people out there, you probably have discovered the necessity for energetic protection. In terms of the body politic, current social conditions are extremely toxic and volatile. Rising above these challenges, especially keeping vibes high and clear, can feel exhausting and draining.
I have purposely avoided making predictions on winners/losers, especially in light of fluctuating and unpredictable trends. But, a social environment in which fear mongering, name calling, bullying, and demonizing the “other side,” is unhealthy. Not only is this unproductive, but a population that succumbs to pressure campaigns, gas lighting and other tools of intimidation and manipulation, is dangerous. There are no winners.
In recent weeks, everywhere I went, people were talking, fearful of the future. It’s up to each citizen to remain on an even keel, clear headed, practically informed, participating in ways that feel good, contributing to a wholesome path forward for the nation and world.
Belinda C. Dunn is a professional astrologer with over 40 years experience. She is available for your personal consultation.
belinda@astrodelight.com; 828-215-2101; www.astrodelight.com