
Enhancing Your Intuition and Spiritual Connection by Julie King

Enhancing Your Intuition and Spiritual Connection
by Julie King

In this modern, seemingly chaotic world, inner balance is paramount to our personal stability. Listening and learning to trust our inner guidance is the key to navigating the swift changes taking place in our lives. When we feel anxious, our ability to totally trust our inner wisdom can become a bit wobbly. For myself, I find I need to refresh my connection to the Divine in joyful and fun ways these days for my intuition and stability.

As a longtime teacher of psychic development, I know everyone is psychic and they connect to the “Other/Great Mystery” or what we may call spirit, god, goddess, etc, in their own unique way.  There is no technique or spiritual practice that will work for everyone as we are like tuning forks ready to receive spiritual insights that are tuned to our individual frequencies. So we might need to experiment in order to hone our ways of connecting and find what really works for us.

We live in a primate “vehicle” on this Earth and we can enhance our psychic abilities by incorporating conscious sensory awareness of the body. Our physical senses and subtle senses are equally important and they work in tandem creating a beautiful dance.

For instance, the five physical senses of sight, smell, touch, hear, and taste correlate to the extrasensory perceptions known as the “clairs” used to connect to the spiritual realms.

Clairvoyance is “clear seeing” of divinatory information and manifests as visions of past, present or future, beings, other dimensions, and more.  Clairalience, or clairscent means “clear smelling” such as noticing fragrances that are not present in the physical environment.

Clairsentience means “clear feeling” such as experiencing a “gut feeling” about something or someone and also feeling others’ pain and emotions.  Clairaudience means “clear hearing” of sounds such as celestial music, other’s thoughts, and interdimensional sounds.

Clairgustance is  “clear tasting” which can manifest as tasting nectar while praying or meditating.

Claircognizance means “clear knowing” which is the ability to know something with no prior knowledge and combines all of the senses.

In order to stimulate psychic awareness, try to combine practices and involve your physical senses. For instance: get comfortable, lie down, close your eyes and listen to some instrumental music (fairly loud) and notice do you get any images with the music? How does your body feel? Do you have any emotional responses? Do you think or feel loved ones that you miss whether living or deceased? Do you feel like you are traveling in space? If you want to move your body then move it! Put on a different kind of instrumental music. If you get nothing and think it is a waste of your time that is fine. It is an experiment.

Another exercise is to take time to go lie down and close your eyes on a nice patch of grass under the sun. Notice any sounds that you hear, feel the warmth of the sun on your body and the ground on your back. Let your thoughts drift, float, see if you feel you are traveling. Notice the sounds  as you try to hear them close and then farther away. What smells do you notice?

Is there a breeze? Any taste as you focus on the smells? Is it too hot, or itchy and feels stupid?

It does not matter, it is an experiment. Try this same type of exercise at night under the stars and moon and see which you prefer. They will both stimulate your energy centers and support your Auric field.

One more is to get comfortable,  sitting or lying down, and in the quiet, try to visualize yourself suspended in a sea of color. Any color. Is it sparkly? Does it feel comfortable or does it make you anxious? Change the colors or visualize being surrounded by space and planets. If nothing happens it is okay. Then get up and put on some music and dance!

The whole idea is to bring more awareness into your sensual body by trying different scenarios. This cross-platform simple type of exercise will stimulate your psychic and physical senses by feeding the subtle body through your physical body.  It is a type of refreshment for the Soul and yes it will increase your psychic awareness also.



Julie King has been a professional psychic, healer and spiritual teacher for over 45 years. She has studied with numerous spiritual teachers around the globe and has been been featured on radio, tv and print media.You can book a reading with her at Crystal Visions or email her at




Link to previous Blog Post: A Neo-Druid on Synchronicity by E.B. McDonald

06-20 / Summer Solstice Group Energy Healing w/ Regina Casey Rae

Summer Solstice Group Energy Healing w/ Regina Casey Rae
Thursday, June 20, 2024
400 -5;00 pm
Cost: $30 in advance (by 5pm the day prior to the healing), $35 at the door

Join us to ride the Summer Solstice energies for this in-person Group Energy Healing at Crystal Visions. Regina will energize you deeply, and clear and optimize your Energetic Pathways and Energy Bodies during this auspicious time. She will also clear any conditioning that is creating stagnant energy.

This event will likely fill quickly. Sign up now!

To register, contact Regina at


Regina was drawn to healing work early in her early twenties when a dear and trusted friend introduced her to a healer. She wasn’t necessarily looking for healing but thought it would be cool to have some sessions. She found the sessions to be amazing, inciteful and so helpful in her life. Fast forward years later, life had become overwhelming and stressful. She found respite and fell in love with yoga and eventually became a certified Yoga Therapist. She then moved to India for three years, becoming steeped in yogic practices and in the essence of India as well as other healing modalities. As life progressed, and challenges progressed, she found herself seeking deeper healing through energy work, but now it was different – it wasn’t just for fun. Not only did she receive healing on physical levels (chronic pain began to subside), but she also found healing on mental and emotional levels, accompanied by a deeper feeling of connectivity and wholeness. She knew that this unfolding in her life was absolutely her path. She knew she would become a healer; it was her dharma. She is trained in and uses multiple modalities in her practice, though primarily VortexHealing®.

06-22 / Reiki I Practitioner Class w/ Jonna Rae Bartges


“The only difference between Christ and us 

 is that He was born knowing He was divine,  

and we go to the grave denying that we are.”

— Virginia Samdahl 

First Occidental Reiki Master 




Become a Reiki I Practitioner
Saturday, June 22nd   1pm – 5pm
Tuition: $145 – Pre-registration required  

Reiki means “Universal Life Energy.” Join the growing global Reiki Community,

and first learn how to heal yourself, body, mind emotions and spirit.

Then learn how to grow and focus your natural healing ability to radiate

balance, compassion and love to others, and the entire world.

In Reiki I, you will: 

  1. Learn the history of the form of energy healing known as Reiki.
  2. Be attuned to Reiki by a Reiki Master Teacher with 46 years in the field.
  3. Learn and practice the 12 hand positions for Reiki Self-Treatment.
  4. Learn and practice the 12 hand positions for giving a Reiki Treatment.
  5. Receive a Reiki workbook.
  6. Receive your lineage and a Reiki Certificate acknowledging you as a member of the global Reiki Community

Reiki Master Teacher Jonna Rae Bartges was attuned to Reiki Healing in 1978 by Virginia Samdahl, the first occidental Reiki Master.  Since that time, Jonna Rae has attuned hundreds of students to Reiki One and Two, and brought 55 to Reiki Mastership. She works extensively with nurses, social workers, and others in the healing arts.

Reserve your space at; click on the Reiki tab to reserve your space.

06-29 / Sound Meditation w/ Resonance for Healing

Date: Saturday, June 29th
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm

Join Resonance for Healing for a supportive and healing sound meditation.  We will create a healing container in which we will balance the energy systems, support the nervous system and drop into a deeply relaxed and nourishing space for healing.  Attention will be given to each individual in attendance for a personalized experience.

Instruments such as gongs, Himalayan bowls, crystal bowls, handpan, drums and more will be used.

Bring  a yoga mat, blanket or anything you need to feel comfortable during the meditation.  Please arrive ten minutes early to allow yourself to settle into your spot.

Space is limited for this event.

Cost is $25 : Registration can be found at


As a teacher for the Sound Healing Academy and a Sound Healing practitioner Eric brings extensive experience to working with methods for reducing the effects of stress, regulating the nervous system and supporting the natural healing ability of the body to each session.

*May 18th – 35th Anniversary Gathering in the Garden

Crystal Visions 35th Anniversary Gathering in the Garden

An Intuitive Arts Fair & Celebration

May 18th,  11am – 5pm

*Julie King – Intuitive Tarot
*Trish Hurley – Divination
*Allison Frank – Asheville Oracle Tarot
*Cheryl Grace – Psychic, Medium & Soul Contracts
*E. B. McDonald – Tarot & Runes
*Steven Evans – Multifaceted Spiritual Facilitator
*Jonna Rae – Spiritually Compassionate Mediumship
*Pardee – Crystal Readings
*Atena – Aura Photography
*Sadhvi  Velasquez – Massage, Reiki , Craniosacral
*Trey Warner – Reiki
*Regina Rae – Energy Healing (Individual & Group)
*Adora & The Soul Institute
*Zoe Adele Allison Rockingbear


Schedule of  Special Events 

11:00 am – Blessing Circle w/ Trish Hurley

12:00 – 12:45 pm – Chanting & Circle Songs w/ Donald T. McMahon

1:00 – 1:30 pm – Kids Activity w/ Dianne Carol

2:00 – 2:45 pm – Soul Contracts w/ Jonna Rae

3:00 pm – Cake Cutting

3:15 – 3:45 pm – Kids Activity w/ Dianne Carol

4:00 – 4:45 pm – Drumming w/ Zoe Adele Allison – Rockingbear

A Neo-Druid on Synchronicity by E.B. McDonald

A Neo-Druid on Synchronicity
By E.B. (Formerly Meredith) McDonald


You’ve probably heard the term ‘Synchronicity’.  If we are of the same age we may have first seen the word on an album cover. You may have read this article because the word keeps popping up and something in you says ‘read that!’ If so, you have experienced the phenomenon of Synchronicity and you are ready to pay attention. Replace the word ‘Synchronicity’ with ‘Omen,’ ‘Sign’ or ‘Coincidence’ and you get the idea. Usually, by the time we identify the thing that keeps popping up we are driven to learn WHY?

Carl Jung, one of the Fathers of Psychology, married the Science of Physics with the science of Psychology by coining the term.  He describes Synchronicity as “An Acausal Connecting Principle.”  Our ‘western’ world view is vastly driven by causality.  There is a logical reason for everything that takes place with no value placed on information received by our psyche.  When the randomness of daily life (Physical Reality) enters our perception (Psyche) and sends a message that sparks recognition and meaning, Synchronicity is at play.

So . . . what does this have to do with you? Glad you asked! Nothing – absolutely nothing.  Unless . . . you ever find yourself feeling disconnected from the world around you; maddened by the thought that you are missing something; or just plain curious about that crow that shows up every morning and caws three times.  Speaking for myself – all of these things have caused me to envelope my life with a symbolic radar that has served me well.  If you’d like to build one of your own – read on!

For the purposes of this article I will be using the terms ‘signs’ or ‘omens’ to refer to the images, sounds, words, living things, and objects that represent the ‘physical’ aspects of Synchronicity. Agreed? (If not – feel free to replace those word with ‘doo-hickey’ or ‘wossname’ for Pratchett fans)

We are going to start with the most important step to living a vibrant synchronistic life.  Symbols and coincidences are great for fleeting moments of good memories or chuckles. And the phenomenon happens to every living soul. But our purpose here is to weave these signs into a tapestry that answers bigger questions about life and helps us feel supported and even validated in our decisions.

If you are squeezing up your face with an expression of minor dread thinking …. She’s gonna say ‘JOURNAL’, damn it, …. You’re right!!! Tell them what they’ve won, Dr. Jung! That’s right – a pen and paper. (Preferably a bunch of papers all bound up together so that you can easily refer back to your notes. They have a Killer selection at CRYSTAL VISIONS) I use spiral bound weekly Calendars like ‘Llewellyn’s Astrological Calendar’ so that the pen can hook into the spiral and the space to write isn’t intimidating.  That’s where I write the random happenings of my day that might just develop into signs and omens.

If you hate writing with a pen and paper – type it up in word or excel.  Excel offers great tools for being able to use your journal as a reference book.  I’ve just never managed the discipline to keep this up.  But, if you live on a laptop or tablet – go for it!  You may also be more interested in a photo journal.  iPhone recently added an App called ‘Journal’ that will actually suggest things happening on your calendar or photos you took as journal topics (Yeah, I know it feels creepy.  But just think of it as an extension of the Universe sending you signs).

The purpose of writing things down may seem obvious, but let me explain.  The act of writing or taking a photo makes what is just another momentary experience into something solid. It is, now, something YOU created.  It may be like a sandwich – consumed and forgotten.  Or it may be something a year from now that changes your view of yourself and the world around you (And . . . I do not exaggerate. I have made startling connections from a few words written with a DATE included).

So, what constitutes a ‘sign’? Literally anything. A song that keeps popping up; a bunny crossing the road; a billboard with a tiger on it; a word; something in a dream; something in a reading (those count double) – literally anything that makes you notice. Write it down with a date and time, if possible. Go an extra step and look it up – and write it down. (I love Ted Andrews’ ANIMAL SPEAK for this, but there are thousands of books of symbols and omenry)  Tarot and Omen decks are great for this too.  The more you explore the meaning of symbols, the better your messages to your future self will become.

Again, Synchronicity is a vast and constantly occurring phenomenon. Hopefully, this article has introduced the concept and triggered an interest that will lead you to a next step.  I highly recommend Pam Grout’s E-Squared books. They are full of exercises to connect psychology to physics or, if you prefer, your mind to the universe.



EB McDonald started Weekday Spirit (@weekdayspirit) to share ideas and practices that will infuse our mundane moments with bright sparks of spirituality. She’s been a Druid Priest, a financial planner, an event seller, an accountant, a performer and has seen daily magical moments in every profession. She reads tarot and runes at Crystal Visions – call for appointment times or email her at




Link to previous Blog Post: Tarot Mysteries Hidden in Plain Sight by Allison Frank

05-11 / Starseed Activation Event with Tools to Navigate From 3D to 5D w/ Mark & Tara Shryock

Saturday May 11th
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Tickets via Event-bright: $24.74

Join us for an immersive experience at the Starseed Activation Event! Discover powerful tools to help you transition from the 3D world to the higher frequencies of the 5D realm. This in-person event will be held at the enchanting Crystal Visions. Connect with like-minded individuals and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Are you ready to elevate your consciousness and embrace your true cosmic potential? Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity!

The purpose of this event is to raise all participants’ vibrational field. Because of the vibrational energy of this event, we ask you to use caution and perhaps spend some time grounding and clearing the energy before driving afterward. We ask if possible that for a few days to be quiet and still as much as possible to allow the energies to integrate into you. We will discuss this moment in time now occurring and its relationship to Atlantis. We will also cover what the Ascension means and the difference between working with 3D old Earth energy and 5D new Earth energy that the planet Earth has now moved into. In addition, we will discuss starseed energy as well as the Galactic forces of love and light that are now working directly with us. We will cover Ascension symptoms and how to best integrate the tremendous. energies presently coming in and how they may be physically affecting you.

The event will be hosted by Mark A. Shryock and his daughter Tara. Tara is a starseed from the Pleiadian star system, next to the Orion belt. Tara will be drawing a special drawing given to her by the Pleiadians as well as a message for all of us at the event. Tara will also describe some things about her Pleiadian home and answer questions from the guests towards the end. Mark is not Pleiadian but works with them very closely, and in the times of their ascension walked many lifetimes with them. He is what some term a blue ray, a multi-dimensional soul, capable of channeling and transmuting energy, and is presently here to work with Starseeds as they remember and align to their mission during this time of Ascension.

Tickets must be purchased in advance at Eventbrite. Tickets are 20.00 and with Tx 24.74 checkout. Tickets are available up to 10 min before event if tickets remain.

06-22 / Litha Celebration

Litha Celebration
Saturday, June 22nd
11:00 am – 12:15 pm


⬧Come celebrate Litha with local author and Brigid priestess, Lisa Wagoner.

Litha marks the Summer Solstice on the Wheel of the Year.
A meditation, discussion of Litha/Summer Solstice, a brief ritual, and a Litha activity will be offered & more!
Love offerings gratefully accepted.⬧

This will be an ongoing Sabbats Series.


Lisa Wagoner is a writer, author of Positive Pagan: Staying Upbeat in an Offbeat World, a healing guide, teacher, and coach. She lives in Asheville (NC), and is a devoted follower of the goddess Brigid. She offers private readings, coaching, healing sessions and workshops, and can usually be found outside tending to her home wildlife sanctuary. Her latest offering is her Substack, “Opener of Stuck Spaces”. She is passionate about herbalism, worldwide community and healing.

05-04 / Beltane Celebration

Beltane Celebration
Saturday, May 4th
11:00 am – 12:15 pm


⬧Come celebrate Beltane with local author and Brigid priestess, Lisa Wagoner.

Beltane celebrates fire, fertility and union on the Wheel of the Year.
A meditation, discussion of Beltane, a brief ritual, and a Beltane activity will be offered & more!
Love offerings gratefully accepted.⬧

This will be an ongoing Sabbats Series.


Lisa Wagoner is a writer, author of Positive Pagan: Staying Upbeat in an Offbeat World, a healing guide, teacher, and coach. She lives in Asheville (NC), and is a devoted follower of the goddess Brigid. She offers private readings, coaching, healing sessions and workshops, and can usually be found outside tending to her home wildlife sanctuary. Her latest offering is her Substack, “Opener of Stuck Spaces”. She is passionate about herbalism, worldwide community and healing.

06-15 / Sound Bath w/ Trey

Join us for a  Sound Bath

Saturday,  June 15th
Time: 4 pm to 5 pm
Cost: $30 cash

Space is limited to 10 attendees. Please register with Trey

or 904/386-1812



About Trey

Trey is a spiritual messenger who is ordained and a reiki master. A new astrologer, and sound healer, Trey is passionate about helping those around him heal.

06-08 /Animal Communication, Spirits, and Guides w/ Jonna Rae Bartges

Saturday,June 8th
Noon – 1:30 PM
Cost: $20

 Animal Communication, Spirits, and Guides

The unique bond we share with animals is many-faceted — and eternal.  They’re already talking with us — WE just have to listen effectively.  Learn how to tap into information your pets might be holding until you’re ready to access it, and how to more clearly communicate with both domesticated and wild animals.  In this Second Saturday: PSI Works event, you’ll also connect with  pets in spirit, and see what information they have to share with you.  You’ll get techniques to discover your Spirit Animal, and learn how to tap into the energy of your animal guides for their wisdom and healing power.

Pre-registration is not required.  Participants can enter a drawing for a free intuitive reading valued at $100.


Every second Saturday at Crystal Visions, Jonna Rae Bartges will shine a light on a different topic selected to raise consciousness, spark curiosity, and increase intuitive ability.  Psychic and empathic since childhood, when she was 24 Jonna Rae left her newspaper editor job to go on a spiritual quest to learn if she was psychic, or psychotic.  During that two-year period, she was shown, in a deep meditation, how to help others tap into and learn to trust their own intuitive ability.  She created PSI: Practical Spirituality Institute, as an international educational resource to share the happy medium between science and spirituality.  Jonna Rae is an author, Emmy-winning television producer, and an approved provider of professional development contact hours for nurses. Learn more at


05-25 / Sound Bath w/ Trey

Join us for a  Sound Bath

Saturday,  May 25th
Time: 4 pm to 5 pm
Cost: $30 cash

Space is limited to 10 attendees. Please register with Trey

or 904/386-1812



About Trey

Trey is a spiritual messenger who is ordained and a reiki master. A new astrologer, and sound healer, Trey is passionate about helping those around him heal.

05-11 / Dream a Little Dream of Chi w/ Jonna Rae Bartges

Saturday, May 11th
Noon – 1:30 PM
Cost: $20

Dream a Little Dream of Chi

You spend roughly a third of your life in dreamtime “Night School.” How much of the information you’re receiving are you retaining, and putting to practical, positive use in your waking hours? In this Second Saturday: PSI Works class, you’ll learn tips on how to remember, interpret and even program your dreams. Which ones are bringing up wisdom from your past, or even past lives? Which ones are trying to give you clarity on issues you’re currently dealing with, or alerting you to things happening in your body? Which might be a glimpse of the future? Find out, and then sleep on it. You will enrich every aspect of your life and make it just – dreamy.

Pre-registration is not required.  Participants can enter a drawing for a free intuitive reading valued at $100.


Every second Saturday at Crystal Visions, Jonna Rae Bartges will shine a light on a different topic selected to raise consciousness, spark curiosity, and increase intuitive ability.  Psychic and empathic since childhood, when she was 24 Jonna Rae left her newspaper editor job to go on a spiritual quest to learn if she was psychic, or psychotic.  During that two-year period, she was shown, in a deep meditation, how to help others tap into and learn to trust their own intuitive ability.  She created PSI: Practical Spirituality Institute, as an international educational resource to share the happy medium between science and spirituality.  Jonna Rae is an author, Emmy-winning television producer, and an approved provider of professional development contact hours for nurses. Learn more at


05-15 / Medical Intuitive Reading & Healing Touch sessions w/ Jennifer Van Dillen

Wednesday, May 15th  12:00 – 5:00 pm

1 hr ( 30 min Medical Intuitive reading and 30 min Healing Touch)
Cost: $112 cash

30 minute
Medical Intuitive reading
Cost: $60 cash

Call store to reserve a time 828-687-1193

Jennifer Van Dillen is a Medical Intuitive with over 30 years experience in the medical field as a
Pediatric Occupational Therapist. She became certified as a Healing Touch practitioner in 1997
and began receiving specific information about her clients while in session. Significant life experiences would play out as a movie clip, often conveying specific information of physical impact
within the body. She studied with Carolyn Myss and Dr. Mona Lisa Shultz to further hone these
skills in a grounded fashion to protect energetic boundaries.

Please go to for further information.

05-04 / The Science and Spirituality of Longevity w/ Bill Combs

Saturday, May 4th
1:30 – 3:00 PM 
Registration recommended by signing up at There is no cost, though love donations are accepted.


The Science and Spirituality of Longevity

Embark on an enlightening journey into the heart of existence with this upcoming meetup, ‘The Science and Spirituality of Longevity.’ This captivating discussion will unveil the intricate dance between the tangible and intangible elements that sculpt our lifespans. Delve into the fascinating world of physical longevity through a scientific lens, exploring groundbreaking research and timeless practices that contribute to a healthier, longer life. But the exploration doesn’t end there; we’ll transcend the physical to uncover how spiritual and emotional well-being are potent forces in shaping our longevity and enriching the quality of our lives. Discover how love, connection, presence, and growth— the four pillars of Quanticism—play pivotal roles in harmonizing our existence. Join us and connect with like-minded individuals and begin your journey towards a deeper understanding of longevity, where science meets spirituality to reveal the secrets of a fulfilling life.



As a lifelong student of metaphysics and mysticism, Bill combined that with an insatiable desire to learn and grow.  He did this by studying many fields of science and engineering, personal growth and evolution, health and wellness, and is currently pursuing his doctorate in Natural Medicine.  Bill combined his passions and with the help of deep intuition, he created a unifying concept he called Quanticism.  Building upon the works of many gifted individuals, he seeks to pass along what he has learned, and experienced firsthand.   As a teacher and healer, his purpose is to share his knowledge and gifts with everyone.

09-28 / ORDINATION CLASS (Order of Melchizedek) w/ Rev. Dan Chesbro

Become an Ordained Minister in the Order of Melchizedek

(Priesthood Workshop & Ordination)

with Rev. Daniel Chesbro


Internationally Known Healer, Teacher, Psychic Counselor, Founder of “Sanctuary of the Beloved”  and Author of “The Order of Melchizedek”

 Dan’s goal is to help us realize our common destiny in pursuit of ones Higher Spiritual Self!


The Order of Melchizedek is a priesthood of individuals committed to teach and/or heal the Human Condition. Priests are self-selected, and their ultimate commitment is between God and themselves. There is no dogma, no hierarchy. Everyone is welcome.

Whatever your calling – officiate weddings, raise your vibration, have a transformational experience – you may experience all of these as well as receive an “energy boost” enhancing your current work.

In this special workshop for ordination into the priesthood, Dan will speak about the history of Melchizedek and its energies, detail the story of the priesthood with explanations of the commitment and the legal ramifications in becoming a priest to perform weddings, baptisms, sacred rituals and ceremonies.

A ceremony will follow at which time he will work with each person choosing to be ordained. Each priest is legally ordained under “Sanctuary of the Beloved” a non-denominational church in New York.

Recommended Reading: The Order Of Melchizedek,  & The Gospel of Thomas by Daniel Chesbro.

Saturday, September 28th  from 1:00 – 5:00 pm 

Pre-Registration Open

Payment Due August 31st

Cost : $200 for New Students
            $85 for repeat


Reverend Daniel Chesbro combines sensitive intuitive abilities with a ministerial background, psychological training and metaphysical knowledge to teach, guide and enhance the lives of those he encounters. A dynamic lecturer and teacher, he encourages others to achieve self-love, self-confidence, balance and the pursuit of their own High Spiritual Self. He is an American Baptist minister who trained at Andover Newton Theological School, Crozer Seminary, and Colgater Divinity School. 

For more info :

05-04/ World Labyrinth Day

World Labyrinth Day: Saturday, May 4, 2024

Time: Join us at 12:45 so that we can walk as one at 1:00!
at: Crystal Visons Garden Labyrinth

The Labyrinth Society — in collaboration with Veriditas, The Legacy Labyrinth Project, and the Australian Labyrinth Network — invites you to join in celebrating World Labyrinth Day on Saturday, May 4, 2024. Every year on the first Saturday in May thousands of people around the world participate in World Labyrinth Day as a moving meditation for world peace and shared appreciation of the labyrinth experience.

Walk as One at 1: On this 15th annual World Labyrinth Day (WLD), as in previous years, many will walk a labyrinth at 1:00 p.m. local time creating a unified rolling wave of peaceful energy passing from one time zone to the next around the globe. There are many other ways to participate as well!

Check out the WLD 2022 video highlighting global participation and the impact of World Labyrinth Day!

For questions, information requests, or comments, please contact Ellen Bintz Meuch, WLD Coordinator, at

ABOUT THE CV Labyrinth:  The labyrinth at Crystal Visions was built by our friends Sam Richardson, Donna Askew and other volunteers in 2012.  It is designed like the medieval labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral in France. Sam dowsed the locations and cut the stones to build the labyrinth. It was initiated on December, 21 2012. The labyrinth is open Monday – Saturday 11 am – 6 pm

05-02 / Brenda Lee “International Psychic, Medium”

Thursday May 2nd  12:00 – 5:00 pm 
1 hr readings on the hour (5 slots) Call Store to reserve a slot
by Appointment ONLY!
Cost: $115



Brenda Lee is a Natural Born Trance Medium and Psychic with over 30 years’ experience. She brings forth Insights and Guidance from Divine Source, St. Germain and Lord Michael.

Brenda Lee is internationally known for her ability to connect with the Angelic Realms, Akasha Records, Your Guides, and Unseen Friends to bring forth clarity and deep insights.

Brenda Lee is also a Soul Artist (painter of soul prints) and has a CD entitled “Soul Purpose Meditation & Sacred Journey.”

Planetary Trends for May 2024 by Belinda Dunn

WHAT’S UP – May 2024

Belinda C. Dunn

Taurus New Moon

May 7 @ 11:22 pm

Sagittarius Full Moon

May 23 @ 9:53 am

Spring is well under way by now, and any slowdowns or delays are in the past. Perhaps a late frost threatened tender young buds, or tempestuous winds stripped the ground bare. This is all part of the cleansing power of nature in preparation for fertile growth ahead. This sentiment applies to our personal lives as well. Between Mercury retrograde most of April, Mars in Pisces, and the reset of a monumental Solar Eclipse, it’s time to put the past to rest. Planetary energies during May signal full speed ahead.

First, Mercury continues its lengthy stint in Aries, but returns to the exact degree of retrograde around May 13-14. Known as the shadow phase, this means all decisions/plans/communications from mid-March onward, are wrapping up and resolving. On May 15th, Mercury leaves Aries to enter Taurus, and attention naturally turns to more practical and grounded matters.

Transiting in Pisces throughout April, Mars just entered Aries, and May begins with an energetic push of can-do action. The ideas, dreams, visions and inspiration during winter months have been sorted through for practicality, and are now ready for manifestation. “Just do it,” is more than a Nike slogan, it’s an attitudinal mindset exemplified by Mars in Aries.

Excellent for any activity that requires effort such as competitive sports, athletics, physical fitness and rehabilitation, Mars transits through Aries every 2 years. Across the board, in all types of endeavors, taking initiative can be challenging, but once the ball is rolling it is much easier to continue the momentum. The last two weeks of May are especially activated when Mars energizes themes around the recent Solar Eclipse (19 degrees Aries).

Last month, one of the most important planetary trends of 2024 activated as Jupiter conjoined Uranus on April 20. This aspect was not just for a day, but continues to offer support and possibility for years to come, especially in the areas of sustainability, agriculture, earth sciences, environmental causes, landscape beautification, productivity and economic progress.

On May 7th, a Taurus New Moon assists in grounding projects and manifesting visions. Each and every New Moon is optimal for seeding intentions; really taking the time to sit with, clarify and state intentions. Considered the most fertile zodiac sign, Taurus ensures growth when conditions are right. The astrology chart demonstrates an impressive line-up of Venus, Moon, Sun, Jupiter and Uranus, all in Taurus. Despite a social atmosphere riddled with chaos and uncertainty, there is a movement toward simplicity and serenity as the majority of people choose to build security, as much as humanly possible.

However, in these turbulent times, the ripples and waves of dissent continue to undulate over the landscape, locally and globally. As Pluto begins its long term transit through Aquarius (2023-2043), humanity is facing down numerous dire consequences beginning with neglect of natural law. It is up to people to adjust and survive on an evolving planet, not the other way around.

It is fascinating to watch the symbols and signals when a major planet, such as Pluto, changes zodiac signs. For example, the epic film, “Oppenheimer,” made its debut last year, winning numerous awards, including Best Picture. Historically accurate, the film expertly depicts the heretofore little known story of the development and detonation of the first atom bomb. Taking place in the decades following Pluto’s discovery in 1930, the film conveys a stark picture of reality, what is at stake for humanity, and global implications.

Other signposts of Pluto entering Aquarius are visible. Artificial intelligence is a big one, and here to stay. The long term effects of technology on the human organism, especially the development of young minds, has widespread implications for the health and sanity of society. As authoritarian leaders battle it out, concentrated power is in the hands of a few. Already there is a massive humanitarian crisis due to warfare, climate change, immigration, and economic disparity. What do these issues have in common? On some level, they affect everyone to some degree, underscoring the fragility of life on planet Earth, and the urgent need to come together in solving world problems.

Why this focus on Pluto? Drilling down, this powerhouse of a planet is stationary April 29 – May 7, beginning a retrograde phase on May 2. Astrologer Erin Sullivan writes, “At the station-retrograde the planet is virtually at a standstill, and has appeared so for a couple of weeks. Its power has become concentrated and its apparently inert station creates a sense of impending change, but the quality of change is unknown. The mood of a station-retrograde is one of suspense.” Retrograde for the next 5 months, Pluto goes direct on October 11, another major turning point of 2024.

Moving on . . . there are many fortunate developments throughout May as Sun and Jupiter are closely aligned, exactly conjoining on May 18. Be aware of a palpable energy shift on May 20 as Sun enters Gemini, and Jupiter closely follows, entering Gemini on May 25th. Of course, Sun transits through Gemini yearly, but Jupiter’s orbit is significantly longer, 12 years. We can look forward to Jupiter in Gemini until June 2025.

The contrast between Jupiter in Taurus during the past 12 months, and Jupiter in Gemini for the next year, promises to pick up the pace, and quickly! While Taurus has supported slowing down, grounding and getting back to basics, Jupiter in Gemini indicates a readiness for discovery, learning, and expanded horizons.

“The cat is out of the bag,” so to speak. No more stalling and beating around the bush, Jupiter in Gemini is frank, talkative, engaging, friendly and transparent. This is the zodiac sign of siblings, neighbors, relatives, short journeys and education. Jupiter’s benevolent rays of open mindedness suggest a growing atmosphere of interest in discussing differences, cultivating commonality, teaching and reaching across the fence.

In many cases, this trend increases the potential for shrugging off animosity, and stepping away from disagreements for the sake of relationship. However, since Jupiter’s influence is to enlarge and expand, the flip side can produce heightened allegiance to cherished belief systems, fixed opinions, and extreme dogmatism. Certain factions may become even more reactionary, vocal and impassioned, mobilizing to defend entrenched beliefs, rightly or wrongly.

Overall, the culminating Full Moon on May 23 is optimal for taking the pulse on emerging trends. By now, Sun is in Gemini, and the Moon opposes in Sagittarius. This combination ramps up activity, movement and travel. A sense of freedom permeates the air as schools begin to let out for summer, and graduations take place across the country. Experiential learning takes the place of book learning as vacation plans get underway.

Awesome and inspiring, every Full Moon stirs the soul, lighting up the landscape and dispelling darkness. Not only is this an astronomical phenomena, but a Full Moon heightens and sensitizes emotions while illuminating human affairs. A point of culmination, little remains hidden, especially in the human psyche, and this Full Moon is potently charged with revelation, a real turning point for the nation and world.

The zodiac sign of Gemini functions as journalist, teacher, conversationalist and storyteller. Sagittarius rises above the fray to take in the big picture, aiming for the real truth, and nothing but the truth, in the administration of justice. In the astrology chart for May 23, both Sun and Moon harmoniously aspect Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius.

From all appearances, Pluto stirs up trouble, but its primary action is to expose corruption, purge dysfunction, and detoxify environments, leaving little untouched. While many issues linger from the past, begging for resolution, Pluto in Aquarius is more about where we are going, than where we have been. A reckoning of gigantic proportions is taking place across the globe. Of course, this can’t happen over night, but the wheels of transformation are already in motion, and the next several years are crucially important.

From the standpoint of astrology, multiple planetary cycles are in various stages of completion, and a new age is dawning. But, even in darkness, there are glimmers of saving Grace. Reflecting on the recent conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, a message rings true, “Cultivate gratitude and appreciation in daily life. Notice the little beauties in front of you every day. Nature’s gifts, freely give, are priceless. Take the time to find a pace you can live with that incorporates relaxation and recreation, balance is key.”

Belinda C. Dunn is a professional astrologer with over 40 years experience. She is available for your personal consultation.;

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