
Planetary Trends for July 2024 by Belinda Dunn

WHAT’S UP – July 2024
Belinda C. Dunn
Cancer New Moon
July 5 @ 6:57 pm
Capricorn Full Moon
July 21 @ 6:17 am
Fireworks and fanfare, parades and picnics, the United States celebrates 248 years of history. However, at this crucial turning point, July begins with more questions than answers. No matter where one turns these days, there is little availability of forthright and reliable answers, much less consensus.
No doubt, pundits and prognosticators of every persuasion are attempting to predict outcomes. It’s almost laughable, except so many prevailing issues are dead serious.
At every turn we hear the word, “unprecedented,” and astrologers agree. A major confluence of planetary trends confirm the unique and unpredictable nature of current events, but used wisely, astrology is a cosmic weather report. With this in mind, let’s begin with overall trends for July, and conclude with my annual, “Astrological State of the Union.”
The first week of July is very active as Mercury enters Leo on the 2nd. On the positive side, Mercury transiting through Leo is playful and entertaining, fun loving and creative. Symbolized by the majestic lion, this zodiac sign of leadership is naturally proud, strong and courageous. Inspirational speaker Simon Sinek has this to say, “Leadership is the awesome responsibility to see those around us rise. You, everyone of us, can choose to be the leader we wish we had.”
In general, Mercury is the planet of communication, governing the essential processes of thinking, learning, writing, speaking and listening. At its best, Mercury bestows intelligence, mental agility, curiosity and discernment. As Mercury transits through Leo, individuals and groups may proudly and vehemently defend their point of view. Fixed opinions and stubborn mindsets may prove difficult to counter. Even under threat, the lion will never back down, and fight to the end. This is a month to avoid getting caught in circuitous arguments, and choose your battles wisely.
In particular, Mercury opposes Pluto on July 2-4, stirring up trouble. Watch for obsessive thinking, power struggles, confrontation, disclosures and revelations. Later in July, Mercury squares Uranus on the 21st, the first of three aspects. Due to a retrograde phase in August, Mercury will activate this planet of unexpected turnarounds over the next seven weeks. Anything goes in this turbulent and stormy election season as Mercury squares Uranus for the second time on August 18, and again on September 6-7.
Life happens against the backdrop of the 28 day lunar cycle, and New Moons are optimal for planting seeds of intention. Time set aside for contemplation, assessment and goal setting is fruitful and productive. Like having a wind at our back, the more we consciously participate in natural cycles, the more cosmic forces can assist.
On July 5th, New Moon in Cancer sets the stage for upcoming events. In addition to Moon conjoining Sun, beautiful Venus joins the party, beginning to rise in the evening sky on July 11. All together, these factors indicate a return to home base. Also transiting through Cancer, Venus amplifies heartfelt issues surrounding home and family life. Venus reminds us that security is not just material comfort, but a sense of emotional safety, bonds of affection and acceptance.
Fast forward to the Full Moon on July 21st. Now things really begin heating up in a perfect storm of astrological trends. In addition to the uncertainty of Mercury square Uranus, the Full Moon intensifies power struggles. And pouring more fuel on the fire, Mars conjuncts Uranus on July 15, entering communicative Gemini on the 20th. All together, these trends collide during the RNC Convention, and although outcomes are undetermined as of now, the social atmosphere is obviously inflammatory and volatile.
Let’s zero in on the Full Moon, and the message it presents. Along the eastern seaboard, illuminating the nation’s capital, Sun rises at dawn as Moon sets in the west. Additionally, conjoining the Moon, Pluto is setting in the west. Astrologically, this is an amazing synchronicity with long term implications for the nation and world. Symbolically, it’s all about authority and leadership, power and control. Heavy handed, forced control is no longer advisable or effective for society at large. At its best, despite appearances, these planetary trends support a widespread redefinition of power for generations to come.
With all this in mind and heart, let’s turn to the United States as reflected in astrological trends. The most widely used chart is calculated for July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm, Philadelphia, PA. This is an ideal time to take a broad view of the nation’s destiny since Neptune is stationary, and retrograde on July 2nd. In other words, Neptune continues to be a prominent influence similar to that historic day in 1776. In fact, if Neptune had been discovered, and the founders had telescopes, they would have seen Neptune directly overhead. Getting perspective on Neptune is key to understanding the country.
Neptune’s influence can be difficult to detect, because it manifests in extremes. The highest expression is idealism, the perfect picture, as put forth in the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” While these are inspiring and admirable ideals for the founding of a country, at this juncture, this brings us to another gigantic question mark. How realistic are these ideals given the current social environment?
This brings us to the darker side of Neptune which distorts spiritual truth for personal gain, and thereby codifies it into ideology. Depending on social norms, culture and historical context, beliefs shift and change over time. So, what happens when idealism meets reality? The natural spiritual aspiration of Neptune gets lost in translation. Ideals become tainted, spun, twisted and turned into concepts, dogma, religion, politics, and moralistic declarations of right and wrong.
Even the Bible states, “For now we see through a glass, darkly.” It is virtually impossible to replicate, or even understand, spiritual reality in this world of form. Neptune’s influence is otherworldly, literally out of this world.
Again, the United States chart is very revealing in that Neptune is overhead, but in stressful aspect with another prominent planet, Mars. Not only does this increase patriotic tendencies, but the collective identity asserts itself blindly at times, driven by passionate beliefs that may, or may not, be true. Mars fights for what it “thinks” is right.
Not only this, but Mars is in communicative Gemini. On the plus side, the country has led the world in telecommunications, transportation and technology. Mars in Gemini is naturally curious, exploring and traveling the globe. An interest and appreciation of other nationalities has made it the most diverse country in the world. Home to the everyday hero, this planetary combination supports humanitarian outreach at home and abroad.
As of May 25th, Jupiter entered Gemini, and over the coming year, these characteristics will become even more pronounced. In perfect synchronicity, Jupiter conjoins Uranus in the USA chart on July 4th. And, Jupiter conjoins Mars in the USA chart next spring, April 30, 2025. Promising a pivotal year for the country, Jupiter bestows optimism, abundance, opportunity and good fortune. So no matter what is happening politically, many circumstances stand to benefit from Jupiter’s positive rays.
In fact, Jupiter is the planetary ruler of the USA chart (Sagittarius Ascendant), and the overall social environment leans toward friendliness, honesty, joviality, generosity and growth. However, when taken to extremes, Jupiter’s potential morphs into prideful arrogance. Comedian and commentator Bill Mahar says, “In a study of eight developed countries, USA students scored dead last in math skills, but were #1 in confidence in math skills. Yes, we’re #1 in thinking we’re #1 !”
The next important piece to the puzzle is more technical, but bears interpretation. Astrologers pay attention to the calculated timing of a progressed Moon 30+ year cycle. As of March 25, 2024, the country experienced a progressed New Moon in Pisces. Loosely interpreted, this trend represents conclusion, the ending of cycles, but literally the dark of the Moon without clear direction. Generally, it takes a full year before new direction becomes apparent, and this brings us to 2025.
Additionally, transiting Saturn is exactly conjoining the USA progressed Moon in Pisces. To review, Saturn is bottom line reality, down to earth, practical and responsible. Society is enduring a tremendous push and pull between illusory and fabricated “truth,” and common sense. In the end, Saturn will prevail, but using the analogy of a jet plane coming in for a very bumpy landing . . . what will it take for citizens to come to their senses?
To answer this question, let’s return to the USA chart. As mentioned, Neptune is prominent at the apex of the chart. But, importantly, Neptune was in Virgo that July day in 1776. This position is the epitome of pragmatic and practical realism, putting ideals to work in the name of service to the greater whole.
However, currently transiting through Pisces, Neptune is opposite its original placement in Virgo. Essentially, Neptune dissolves boundaries of everyday awareness, opening consciousness to greater meaning and purpose. Presently, a majority of people find themselves stuck in the daily grind in lives devoid of meaning, and bereft of purpose.
Over time, this has created a vacuum for other forces with their agendas to take hold and take over. This is the most challenging effect of Neptune. The human psyche is malleable, and depending on conditions, susceptible to manipulation, programming, coercion and control. And if this isn’t enough adversity, the darkest side of Neptune involves all manner of intoxicating substances, and mental illness.
On national and global levels, one planetary cycle after another is peaking and ending this year. In so many words, the call to pray for the soul of America is not too far off. Individually and collectively, we are hard pressed to examine and redefine guiding principles in order to effectively address a multitude of issues. This is not the time to hide one’s head in the sand, but face reality squarely, heroically, and “keep on keeping on.”
Belinda C. Dunn is a professional astrologer with over 40 years experience. She is available for your personal consultation.;

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