
11-16 / Awakening Intuition w/ Jennifer Van Dillion

Saturday, November 16, 2024
$30 early registration
$40 cash at the door

Awakening Intuition

Come to this class and learn how to uncover your intuitive skills. You can experience more energy and general well being when listening to your inner guidance. Your enhanced perception will leave you more confident as you move forward with life decisions.

This class will be experiential to allow you to step into your own power. Join me as I help you pull away the veil that
separates you from your clear vision.

$30 early registration
$40 cash at the door
Class size limited. Sign up early.
To register email: or call (910)427-0115


Jennifer Van Dillen is a Medical Intuitive with over 30 years experience in the medical field as a Pediatric Occupational Therapist. She became certified as a Healing Touch practitioner in 1997 and began receiving specific information about her clients while in session.  Significant life experiences would play out as a movie clip, often conveying specific information of physical impact within the body. She studied with Carolyn Myss and Dr. Mona Lisa Shultz to further hone these skills in a grounded fashion to protect energetic boundaries.

Please go to for further information.

11-09 / Phone Home – Connecting with ET w/Jonna Rae Bartges

Saturday, November  9
Noon – 1:30 PM
Cost: $20

If you think we’re the only planet with life in the universe, you haven’t been paying attention. In this Second Saturday: PSI Works session, we’ll examine some of the evidence of ETs, and look at how visitations have influenced the evolution of life and civilization on Earth. You will also learn techniques to facilitate one-on-one connection with benevolent off-Earth intelligent beings.

Pre-registration is not required.  Participants can enter a drawing for a free intuitive reading valued at $100.


Every second Saturday at Crystal Visions, Jonna Rae Bartges will shine a light on a different topic selected to raise consciousness, spark curiosity, and increase intuitive ability.  Psychic and empathic since childhood, when she was 24 Jonna Rae left her newspaper editor job to go on a spiritual quest to learn if she was psychic, or psychotic.  During that two-year period, she was shown, in a deep meditation, how to help others tap into and learn to trust their own intuitive ability.  She created PSI: Practical Spirituality Institute, as an international educational resource to share the happy medium between science and spirituality.  Jonna Rae is an author, Emmy-winning television producer, and an approved provider of professional development contact hours for nurses. Learn more at


10-12 / SpiritTalk – Break on Thru to the Other Side w/Jonna Rae Bartges

Saturday, October 12th
Noon – 1:30 PM
Cost: $20

In physics, the first law of thermodynamics is that energy can’t be created or destroyed – it just changes form. “Life” is an energy, and doesn’t cease to exist when we’re no longer in physical form.  Jonna Rae has been tapping into the spirit world since she was a child, and her abilities increased with her own near-death experience when she was 35.  In this Second Saturday: PSI Works afternoon, come get answers to your questions for loved ones in spirit, and learn how to go into a higher state of consciousness, so you can connect with them yourself. SpiritTalk is always a powerful time of love, connection and healing.

Pre-registration is not required.  Participants can enter a drawing for a free intuitive reading valued at $100.


Every second Saturday at Crystal Visions, Jonna Rae Bartges will shine a light on a different topic selected to raise consciousness, spark curiosity, and increase intuitive ability.  Psychic and empathic since childhood, when she was 24 Jonna Rae left her newspaper editor job to go on a spiritual quest to learn if she was psychic, or psychotic.  During that two-year period, she was shown, in a deep meditation, how to help others tap into and learn to trust their own intuitive ability.  She created PSI: Practical Spirituality Institute, as an international educational resource to share the happy medium between science and spirituality.  Jonna Rae is an author, Emmy-winning television producer, and an approved provider of professional development contact hours for nurses. Learn more at


11-07 / Brenda Lee “International Psychic, Medium”

Thursday – November, 7th  12:00 – 5:00 pm 
1 hr readings on the hour (5 slots) Call Store to reserve a slot
by Appointment ONLY!
Cost: $115



Brenda Lee is a Natural Born Trance Medium and Psychic with over 30 years’ experience. She brings forth Insights and Guidance from Divine Source, St. Germain and Lord Michael.

Brenda Lee is internationally known for her ability to connect with the Angelic Realms, Akasha Records, Your Guides, and Unseen Friends to bring forth clarity and deep insights.

Brenda Lee is also a Soul Artist (painter of soul prints) and has a CD entitled “Soul Purpose Meditation & Sacred Journey.”

10-19 / Intuitive Arts Fair at Crystal Visions

An Intuitive Arts Fair 

 Saturday October 19th,  Noon – 5pm

Readings $25 for 20 min  (cash)

*Trish Hurley – Divination

*Allison Frank – Asheville Oracle Tarot

*Cheryl Grace – Psychic, Medium & Soul Contracts

*E. B. McDonald – Tarot & Runes

*Kim Anderberg – Intuitive Tarot & Runes, Spiritual Advisor

*Atena – Aura Photography $35 per photo

11-02 / Experience Reiki Healing

Experience Reiki Healing
Saturday, November 2nd
11:20 am – 1:20 pm 

$20 for 20 min – All proceeds donated to Charlie’s Angels Animal Rescue

The public is invited to experience a 20-minute session of this gentle form of energy healing.  Reiki involves universal life energy flowing through a Reiki practitioner’s hands into the recipient, who is relaxing, fully clothed, on a treatment table.  Healers’ hands can lightly touch the recipient’s body or stay a few inches above it – both methods are equally effective.

Reiki energy goes where it is needed, offering a sense of peace and well-being in body, mind and spirit.  Over 800 US hospitals have incorporated Reiki Healing into their wellness programs.

Each 20-minute session is $20, with ALL proceeds being donated to Charlie’s Angels Animal Rescue in Fletcher, NC.

To reserve your space, call Crystal Visions at (828) 687-1193.  Sessions are limited, so call today. Walk in’s welcome.

10-05 / Reiki I Practitioner Class w/ Jonna Rae Bartges


“The only difference between Christ and us 

 is that He was born knowing He was divine,  

and we go to the grave denying that we are.”

— Virginia Samdahl 

First Occidental Reiki Master 




Become a Reiki I Practitioner
Saturday, October 5th   1pm – 5pm
Tuition: $145 – Pre-registration required  

Reiki means “Universal Life Energy.” Join the growing global Reiki Community,

and first learn how to heal yourself, body, mind emotions and spirit.

Then learn how to grow and focus your natural healing ability to radiate

balance, compassion and love to others, and the entire world.

In Reiki I, you will: 

  1. Learn the history of the form of energy healing known as Reiki.
  2. Be attuned to Reiki by a Reiki Master Teacher with 46 years in the field.
  3. Learn and practice the 12 hand positions for Reiki Self-Treatment.
  4. Learn and practice the 12 hand positions for giving a Reiki Treatment.
  5. Receive a Reiki workbook.
  6. Receive your lineage and a Reiki Certificate acknowledging you as a member of the global Reiki Community

Reiki Master Teacher Jonna Rae Bartges was attuned to Reiki Healing in 1978 by Virginia Samdahl, the first occidental Reiki Master.  Since that time, Jonna Rae has attuned hundreds of students to Reiki One and Two, and brought 55 to Reiki Mastership. She works extensively with nurses, social workers, and others in the healing arts.

Reserve your space at; click on the Reiki tab to reserve your space.

10-26 / Samhain Celebration


Samhain Celebration
Saturday, October 26th
11:00 am – 12:15 pm


⬧Come celebrate Samhain with local author and Brigid priestess, Lisa Wagoner.

Samhain marks the end of summer/end of harvest/Celtic New Year on the Wheel of the Year.
A meditation, discussion of Samhain, a brief ritual, and a Samhain activity will be offered & more!
Love offerings gratefully accepted.⬧

This will be an ongoing Sabbats Series.


Lisa Wagoner is a writer, author of Positive Pagan: Staying Upbeat in an Offbeat World, a healing guide, teacher, and coach. She lives in Asheville (NC), and is a devoted follower of the goddess Brigid. She offers private readings, coaching, healing sessions and workshops, and can usually be found outside tending to her home wildlife sanctuary. Her latest offering is her Substack, “Opener of Stuck Spaces”. She is passionate about herbalism, worldwide community and healing.

09-21 / Mabon Celebration

Mabon Celebration
Saturday, September 21st
11:00 am – 12:15 pm


⬧Come celebrate Mabon with local author and Brigid priestess, Lisa Wagoner.

Mabon marks the Autumn Equinox on the Wheel of the Year.
A meditation, discussion of Mabon/Autumn Equinox, a brief ritual, and a Mabon activity will be offered & more!
Love offerings gratefully accepted.⬧

This will be an ongoing Sabbats Series.


Lisa Wagoner is a writer, author of Positive Pagan: Staying Upbeat in an Offbeat World, a healing guide, teacher, and coach. She lives in Asheville (NC), and is a devoted follower of the goddess Brigid. She offers private readings, coaching, healing sessions and workshops, and can usually be found outside tending to her home wildlife sanctuary. Her latest offering is her Substack, “Opener of Stuck Spaces”. She is passionate about herbalism, worldwide community and healing.

09-21/ Past Life Regression Workshop w/ Hypnotherapist John Till

Traveling To The Past… For insight, Healing and Awareness!

Past Life Regression Workshop with Hypnotherapist John Till

Saturday, September 21st
3:00 – 5:00 PM 
Cost: $15



I will be sharing teachings about reincarnation and how Hypnosis is used to experience lives we have lived before, then take the group through Past Life Regression.

Join us for an interesting and insightful afternoon. I may be reached for further information at:    or at 760-285-6535

09-18 / Medical Intuitive Reading & Healing Touch sessions w/ Jennifer Van Dillen

Wednesday, September 18th  12:00 – 5:00 pm

Jennifer offers a one-hour session including 30 minutes hands on healing with a 30 minute reading. 

Cost:  $115 cash for Initial session                                                                           $95  cash for Follow up

Call store to reserve a time 828-687-1193

Jennifer Van Dillen is a Medical Intuitive with over 30 years experience in the medical field as a Pediatric Occupational Therapist. She became certified as a Healing Touch practitioner in 1997 and began receiving specific information about her clients while in session.  Significant life experiences would play out as a movie clip, often conveying specific information of physical impact within the body. She studied with Carolyn Myss and Dr. Mona Lisa Shultz to further hone these skills in a grounded fashion to protect energetic boundaries.

Please go to for further information.