
04-26 / Connecting with the Angels w/ Vecchi Talarico

Friday April 26th
11:30 – 1:30 PM
Cost: $30 / Cash at Door

Most people believe in angels, but far fewer understand how to have a real relationship with them. Angels are always faithful with their guidance, inspiration, and support.

The content of this class will include a background of the different orders of angels, what their purposes are, and how to work with them to assist you on your life journey. There will also be a guided meditation to connect with your personal guardian angel. Vecchi’s passion to help others through all things angelic include angel oracle card readings and classes where she can help and teach those interested to be aware of the unwavering presence and support angels can have in our lives.


Vecchi Talarico hails from Fort Wayne Indiana and has been collaborating with the angels for over 20 years. Her relationship with them has been life changing. Vecchi will help you experience the joy, healing, and positive changes having an intimate relationship with the angels can provide.

Vecchi is also an Emotional Release Practitioner assisting clients in clearing negative emotions that keep them from experiencing their highest potential and purpose.

Pre-Registration Appreciated at

04-08 / Solar Eclipse Viewing from the Garden

Join us at Crystal Visions to view the Solar Eclipse from the Garden.

Don’t Forget to bring your solar  eclipse glasses!!!

Monday April 8th – 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

*May 18th – 35th Anniversary Gathering in the Garden

Crystal Visions 35th Anniversary Gathering in the Garden

An Intuitive Arts Fair & Celebration

May 18th,  11am – 5pm

*Intuitive Readings
*Energy Healing
*Aura Photography
*Elemental Divination
*Local Artisans
*Kid Activities
*Tarot & More!


A Neo-Druid on Synchronicity by E.B. McDonald

A Neo-Druid on Synchronicity
By E.B. (Formerly Meredith) McDonald


You’ve probably heard the term ‘Synchronicity’.  If we are of the same age we may have first seen the word on an album cover. You may have read this article because the word keeps popping up and something in you says ‘read that!’ If so, you have experienced the phenomenon of Synchronicity and you are ready to pay attention. Replace the word ‘Synchronicity’ with ‘Omen,’ ‘Sign’ or ‘Coincidence’ and you get the idea. Usually, by the time we identify the thing that keeps popping up we are driven to learn WHY?

Carl Jung, one of the Fathers of Psychology, married the Science of Physics with the science of Psychology by coining the term.  He describes Synchronicity as “An Acausal Connecting Principle.”  Our ‘western’ world view is vastly driven by causality.  There is a logical reason for everything that takes place with no value placed on information received by our psyche.  When the randomness of daily life (Physical Reality) enters our perception (Psyche) and sends a message that sparks recognition and meaning, Synchronicity is at play.

So . . . what does this have to do with you? Glad you asked! Nothing – absolutely nothing.  Unless . . . you ever find yourself feeling disconnected from the world around you; maddened by the thought that you are missing something; or just plain curious about that crow that shows up every morning and caws three times.  Speaking for myself – all of these things have caused me to envelope my life with a symbolic radar that has served me well.  If you’d like to build one of your own – read on!

For the purposes of this article I will be using the terms ‘signs’ or ‘omens’ to refer to the images, sounds, words, living things, and objects that represent the ‘physical’ aspects of Synchronicity. Agreed? (If not – feel free to replace those word with ‘doo-hickey’ or ‘wossname’ for Pratchett fans)

We are going to start with the most important step to living a vibrant synchronistic life.  Symbols and coincidences are great for fleeting moments of good memories or chuckles. And the phenomenon happens to every living soul. But our purpose here is to weave these signs into a tapestry that answers bigger questions about life and helps us feel supported and even validated in our decisions.

If you are squeezing up your face with an expression of minor dread thinking …. She’s gonna say ‘JOURNAL’, damn it, …. You’re right!!! Tell them what they’ve won, Dr. Jung! That’s right – a pen and paper. (Preferably a bunch of papers all bound up together so that you can easily refer back to your notes. They have a Killer selection at CRYSTAL VISIONS) I use spiral bound weekly Calendars like ‘Llewellyn’s Astrological Calendar’ so that the pen can hook into the spiral and the space to write isn’t intimidating.  That’s where I write the random happenings of my day that might just develop into signs and omens.

If you hate writing with a pen and paper – type it up in word or excel.  Excel offers great tools for being able to use your journal as a reference book.  I’ve just never managed the discipline to keep this up.  But, if you live on a laptop or tablet – go for it!  You may also be more interested in a photo journal.  iPhone recently added an App called ‘Journal’ that will actually suggest things happening on your calendar or photos you took as journal topics (Yeah, I know it feels creepy.  But just think of it as an extension of the Universe sending you signs).

The purpose of writing things down may seem obvious, but let me explain.  The act of writing or taking a photo makes what is just another momentary experience into something solid. It is, now, something YOU created.  It may be like a sandwich – consumed and forgotten.  Or it may be something a year from now that changes your view of yourself and the world around you (And . . . I do not exaggerate. I have made startling connections from a few words written with a DATE included).

So, what constitutes a ‘sign’? Literally anything. A song that keeps popping up; a bunny crossing the road; a billboard with a tiger on it; a word; something in a dream; something in a reading (those count double) – literally anything that makes you notice. Write it down with a date and time, if possible. Go an extra step and look it up – and write it down. (I love Ted Andrews’ ANIMAL SPEAK for this, but there are thousands of books of symbols and omenry)  Tarot and Omen decks are great for this too.  The more you explore the meaning of symbols, the better your messages to your future self will become.

Again, Synchronicity is a vast and constantly occurring phenomenon. Hopefully, this article has introduced the concept and triggered an interest that will lead you to a next step.  I highly recommend Pam Grout’s E-Squared books. They are full of exercises to connect psychology to physics or, if you prefer, your mind to the universe.



EB McDonald started Weekday Spirit (@weekdayspirit) to share ideas and practices that will infuse our mundane moments with bright sparks of spirituality. She’s been a Druid Priest, a financial planner, an event seller, an accountant, a performer and has seen daily magical moments in every profession. She reads tarot and runes at Crystal Visions – call for appointment times or email her at




Link to previous Blog Post: Tarot Mysteries Hidden in Plain Sight by Allison Frank

05-11 / Starseed Activation Event with Tools to Navigate From 3D to 5D w/ Mark & Tara Shryock

Saturday May 11th
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Tickets via Event-bright: $24.74

Join us for an immersive experience at the Starseed Activation Event! Discover powerful tools to help you transition from the 3D world to the higher frequencies of the 5D realm. This in-person event will be held at the enchanting Crystal Visions. Connect with like-minded individuals and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Are you ready to elevate your consciousness and embrace your true cosmic potential? Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity!

The purpose of this event is to raise all participants’ vibrational field. Because of the vibrational energy of this event, we ask you to use caution and perhaps spend some time grounding and clearing the energy before driving afterward. We ask if possible that for a few days to be quiet and still as much as possible to allow the energies to integrate into you. We will discuss this moment in time now occurring and its relationship to Atlantis. We will also cover what the Ascension means and the difference between working with 3D old Earth energy and 5D new Earth energy that the planet Earth has now moved into. In addition, we will discuss starseed energy as well as the Galactic forces of love and light that are now working directly with us. We will cover Ascension symptoms and how to best integrate the tremendous. energies presently coming in and how they may be physically affecting you.

The event will be hosted by Mark A. Shryock and his daughter Tara. Tara is a starseed from the Pleiadian star system, next to the Orion belt. Tara will be drawing a special drawing given to her by the Pleiadians as well as a message for all of us at the event. Tara will also describe some things about her Pleiadian home and answer questions from the guests towards the end. Mark is not Pleiadian but works with them very closely, and in the times of their ascension walked many lifetimes with them. He is what some term a blue ray, a multi-dimensional soul, capable of channeling and transmuting energy, and is presently here to work with Starseeds as they remember and align to their mission during this time of Ascension.

Tickets must be purchased in advance at Eventbrite. Tickets are 20.00 and with Tx 24.74 checkout. Tickets are available up to 10 min before event if tickets remain.

12-21 / Yule Celebration

Yule Celebration
Saturday, December 21st
11:00 am – 12:15 pm


⬧Come celebrate Yule with local author and Brigid priestess, Lisa Wagoner.

Yule marks the Winter Solstice on the Wheel of the Year.
A meditation, discussion of Yule/Winter Solstice, a brief ritual, and a Yule activity will be offered & more!
Love offerings gratefully accepted.⬧

This will be an ongoing Sabbats Series.


Lisa Wagoner is a writer, author of Positive Pagan: Staying Upbeat in an Offbeat World, a healing guide, teacher, and coach. She lives in Asheville (NC), and is a devoted follower of the goddess Brigid. She offers private readings, coaching, healing sessions and workshops, and can usually be found outside tending to her home wildlife sanctuary. Her latest offering is her Substack, “Opener of Stuck Spaces”. She is passionate about herbalism, worldwide community and healing.

10-26 / Samhain Celebration

Samhain Celebration
Saturday, October 26th
11:00 am – 12:15 pm


⬧Come celebrate Samhain with local author and Brigid priestess, Lisa Wagoner.

Samhain marks the end of summer/end of harvest/Celtic New Year on the Wheel of the Year.
A meditation, discussion of Samhain, a brief ritual, and a Samhain activity will be offered & more!
Love offerings gratefully accepted.⬧

This will be an ongoing Sabbats Series.


Lisa Wagoner is a writer, author of Positive Pagan: Staying Upbeat in an Offbeat World, a healing guide, teacher, and coach. She lives in Asheville (NC), and is a devoted follower of the goddess Brigid. She offers private readings, coaching, healing sessions and workshops, and can usually be found outside tending to her home wildlife sanctuary. Her latest offering is her Substack, “Opener of Stuck Spaces”. She is passionate about herbalism, worldwide community and healing.

09-21 / Mabon Celebration

Mabon Celebration
Saturday, September 21st
11:00 am – 12:15 pm


⬧Come celebrate Mabon with local author and Brigid priestess, Lisa Wagoner.

Mabon marks the Autumn Equinox on the Wheel of the Year.
A meditation, discussion of Mabon/Autumn Equinox, a brief ritual, and a Mabon activity will be offered & more!
Love offerings gratefully accepted.⬧

This will be an ongoing Sabbats Series.


Lisa Wagoner is a writer, author of Positive Pagan: Staying Upbeat in an Offbeat World, a healing guide, teacher, and coach. She lives in Asheville (NC), and is a devoted follower of the goddess Brigid. She offers private readings, coaching, healing sessions and workshops, and can usually be found outside tending to her home wildlife sanctuary. Her latest offering is her Substack, “Opener of Stuck Spaces”. She is passionate about herbalism, worldwide community and healing.

07-27 / Lammas/ Lughnasadh Celebration

Lammas / Lughnasdh Celebration
Saturday, July 22nd
11:00 am – 12:15 pm


⬧Come celebrate Lammas/Lughnasadh with local author and Brigid priestess, Lisa Wagoner.

Lammas/Lughnasadh marks the first harvest on the Wheel of the Year.
A meditation, discussion of Lammas/Lughnasadh, a brief ritual, and a Lammas activity will be offered & more!
Love offerings gratefully accepted.⬧

This will be an ongoing Sabbats Series.


Lisa Wagoner is a writer, author of Positive Pagan: Staying Upbeat in an Offbeat World, a healing guide, teacher, and coach. She lives in Asheville (NC), and is a devoted follower of the goddess Brigid. She offers private readings, coaching, healing sessions and workshops, and can usually be found outside tending to her home wildlife sanctuary. Her latest offering is her Substack, “Opener of Stuck Spaces”. She is passionate about herbalism, worldwide community and healing.

06-22 / Litha Celebration

Litha Celebration
Saturday, June 22nd
11:00 am – 12:15 pm


⬧Come celebrate Litha with local author and Brigid priestess, Lisa Wagoner.

Litha marks the Summer Solstice on the Wheel of the Year.
A meditation, discussion of Litha/Summer Solstice, a brief ritual, and a Litha activity will be offered & more!
Love offerings gratefully accepted.⬧

This will be an ongoing Sabbats Series.


Lisa Wagoner is a writer, author of Positive Pagan: Staying Upbeat in an Offbeat World, a healing guide, teacher, and coach. She lives in Asheville (NC), and is a devoted follower of the goddess Brigid. She offers private readings, coaching, healing sessions and workshops, and can usually be found outside tending to her home wildlife sanctuary. Her latest offering is her Substack, “Opener of Stuck Spaces”. She is passionate about herbalism, worldwide community and healing.

05-04 / Beltane Celebration

Beltane Celebration
Saturday, May 4th
11:00 am – 12:15 pm


⬧Come celebrate Beltane with local author and Brigid priestess, Lisa Wagoner.

Beltane celebrates fire, fertility and union on the Wheel of the Year.
A meditation, discussion of Beltane, a brief ritual, and a Beltane activity will be offered & more!
Love offerings gratefully accepted.⬧

This will be an ongoing Sabbats Series.


Lisa Wagoner is a writer, author of Positive Pagan: Staying Upbeat in an Offbeat World, a healing guide, teacher, and coach. She lives in Asheville (NC), and is a devoted follower of the goddess Brigid. She offers private readings, coaching, healing sessions and workshops, and can usually be found outside tending to her home wildlife sanctuary. Her latest offering is her Substack, “Opener of Stuck Spaces”. She is passionate about herbalism, worldwide community and healing.

06-15 / Sound Bath w/ Trey

Join us for a  Sound Bath

Saturday,  June 15th
Time: 4 pm to 5 pm
Cost: $30 cash

Space is limited to 10 attendees. Please register with Trey

or 904/386-1812



About Trey

Trey is a spiritual messenger who is ordained and a reiki master. A new astrologer, and sound healer, Trey is passionate about helping those around him heal.

06-08 /Animal Communication, Spirits, and Guides w/ Jonna Rae Bartges

Saturday,June 8th
Noon – 1:30 PM
Cost: $20

 Animal Communication, Spirits, and Guides

The unique bond we share with animals is many-faceted — and eternal.  They’re already talking with us — WE just have to listen effectively.  Learn how to tap into information your pets might be holding until you’re ready to access it, and how to more clearly communicate with both domesticated and wild animals.  In this Second Saturday: PSI Works event, you’ll also connect with  pets in spirit, and see what information they have to share with you.  You’ll get techniques to discover your Spirit Animal, and learn how to tap into the energy of your animal guides for their wisdom and healing power.

Pre-registration is not required.  Participants can enter a drawing for a free intuitive reading valued at $100.


Every second Saturday at Crystal Visions, Jonna Rae Bartges will shine a light on a different topic selected to raise consciousness, spark curiosity, and increase intuitive ability.  Psychic and empathic since childhood, when she was 24 Jonna Rae left her newspaper editor job to go on a spiritual quest to learn if she was psychic, or psychotic.  During that two-year period, she was shown, in a deep meditation, how to help others tap into and learn to trust their own intuitive ability.  She created PSI: Practical Spirituality Institute, as an international educational resource to share the happy medium between science and spirituality.  Jonna Rae is an author, Emmy-winning television producer, and an approved provider of professional development contact hours for nurses. Learn more at


04 -05 / An Afternoon of Healing w/ Robert Luka

Friday, April, 5th
2:00 – 5:00 pm
Cost: $25

Come join us for an afternoon of healing to release thoughts, emotions and energy patterns that no longer serve and bring into balance emotional and spiritual energies of renewal.

This is about you.

Many of our own self-needs are often overlooked or outright neglected. They can get lost in our jobs, our family’s needs and the attention we give to today’s fear-based messaging. Distractions from ourselves are all around us… and if we’re not careful, we can lose awareness of our gratitude for our own life and…

Our connection to ourselves.

Often called Divine Selfishness- Our ability to care for our own needs and how we treat ourselves by ourselves.Come join us to take the time to come together to care for yourself through meditation, entering self-directed altered states of consciousness with an experienced guide, reflection, group process and above all…resetting our priorities for self-love in a protected, private environment of self-healing.

Call 828-280-2623 to register – at the door $25/person

Bring a Journal


A word about the presenter-
Robert Luka has been a practicing hypnotherapist since 1989 and a Registered Nurse of 45 years. Professionally trained in Past Life work through the Brian Weiss Center For Life Studies in Boca Raton Florida since 1991. Since that time, he has facilitated groups in the art of self-healing. He adapted his skills to work with frightened children in a medical and emergency room setting which birthed the authoring of the book “Fearless Medicine,” a request made by his peers. He has shared his mediative self-help healing skills throughout the country. Living in Poona, India in 1981 deepened and forever changed his expression of compassion in the lives of those he has worked with.

Tarot Mysteries Hidden in Plain Sight by Allison Frank

by Allison Frank
Asheville Oracle

When I got my first tarot deck over 50 years ago, my only focus was to learn the meanings of each card as quickly as possible so I could perform an accurate reading. Although the images on my Rider Waite deck were jam-packed with magical symbolism of elements, fantasy creatures, medieval knights, foreign letters, colors and lush flowers – not to mention numerology – it didn’t occur to me to delve much deeper into the profundity of the designs until much later in my spiritual journey. Not focusing on the myriad nuances of the hundreds of symbols didn’t seem to hinder the quality of a spread’s outcome. The cards always told the truth.

As my skills developed, however, I was challenged to honor the entirety of the artistic representations – such as mountains in the background, lightning bolts shooting from the sky, the crimson importance of a rose – into how I would explain the cards’ meanings to my friends and clients. The incredibly brilliant creators of the Tarot system did not arbitrarily insert ANY image unintentionally.   Every aspect of every card contains a deep, iconic meaning that I’ve continued to study my entire life.

However, the one image that completely baffles me, that no amount of study or reading of academic articles has ever satisfied my insatiable curiosity, is this: why there are Hebrew letters strewn throughout the entire system? Unless, of course, the originators of this complex divination process were Kabbalistic scholars.

The main argument I’ve encountered for the ancient alphabet’s inclusion into the tarot’s intentional, yet mysterious creation is the very obvious fact that there are 22 Higher Arcana cards and, that the Hebrew alphabet also contains 22 letters. This couldn’t possibly be a coincidence, could it? And no, as a practicing psychic, I certainly don’t cotton to “coincidence,” especially one of this magnitude.

But here’s the rub. The Kabbalah is the mystical aspect of Judaism and was not available in the public domain until about 50 years ago. This highly prized, much protected Kabbalstic information was reserved ONLY to rabbis over the age of 40, NEVER to women and ONLY to those whose entire life’s work was to study the Torah.

How do I know that?

Several years ago, I studied with a Kabbalistic scholar and author – Gabriella Samuels – who wrote of the book Kabbalah Handbook: A Concise Encyclopedia of Terms and Concepts in Jewish Mysticism. Being able to take a class on this previously unavailable body of Jewish law was exciting because the much-hidden knowledge of the ancient practitioners was finally accessible for public consumption. But then it led me to this ultimate conundrum as to why the Hebrew letters are scattered throughout Tarot decks.

Because no one can pinpoint the exact origins of Tarot’s inception, its beginnings are shrouded in secrets. Some historians state the deck surfaced in France (Tarot de Marseilles) in the 1500s. Some claim the Egyptians came up with this form of divination.  Others (my favorite) believe the Knights of Templar discovered the tarot on their quest into the Middle East while trying to spread Christianity throughout the world. But truly? No one really knows.

Nevertheless, the historical timing blatantly begs the question: Who inserted these symbols into the structure of the cards?

Although the answer to this question might never surface, I find it fascinating to ponder yet another lovely aspect of the Tarot. I’m certain my fellow practitioners might beg to differ with my reasoning, and I welcome any and all discussion about our favorite form of fortune telling because the Tarot is a never-ending journey into the spiritual realm.


Allison Frank (Asheville Oracle) has dedicated her life to reading Tarot cards to help people solve problems by accessing the higher dimensions. She’s been a reader at Crystal Visions for the past 8 years and you can book an appointment with her through the store. You can Contact Allison at or at Asheville Oracle Tarot on Facebook.




Link to previous Blog Post: Trust Your Intuition by Cheryl Grace

05-25 / Sound Bath w/ Trey

Join us for a  Sound Bath

Saturday,  May 25th
Time: 4 pm to 5 pm
Cost: $30 cash

Space is limited to 10 attendees. Please register with Trey

or 904/386-1812



About Trey

Trey is a spiritual messenger who is ordained and a reiki master. A new astrologer, and sound healer, Trey is passionate about helping those around him heal.

03-23 / Connecting with the Body’s Wisdom w/ Nonnye

Saturday- March, 23rd
11:15 am – 12:30 pm 
Cost: $25
Connecting with the Body’s Wisdom
This is the first in the Connect series. Each class can be taking independent of the others or you can take the whole series.
In this first class we will connect to the Body as best friend and loving teacher using the Breath and Walking the Sacred Symbols as our tools. We will be spending  some of the class walking the Symbols so comfortable shoes are recommended.
I accept payment via check, cash or Google pay. I do accept payment day of and will be available at 11 on the 23rd.
Please E mail: to ask questions, claim you seat and set up payment.
Nonnye is a Body Work Specialist now working on her PH.D in Metaphysical Sciences.
Text: 828 702 4439.

05-11 / Dream a Little Dream of Chi w/ Jonna Rae Bartges

Saturday, May 11th
Noon – 1:30 PM
Cost: $20

Dream a Little Dream of Chi

You spend roughly a third of your life in dreamtime “Night School.” How much of the information you’re receiving are you retaining, and putting to practical, positive use in your waking hours? In this Second Saturday: PSI Works class, you’ll learn tips on how to remember, interpret and even program your dreams. Which ones are bringing up wisdom from your past, or even past lives? Which ones are trying to give you clarity on issues you’re currently dealing with, or alerting you to things happening in your body? Which might be a glimpse of the future? Find out, and then sleep on it. You will enrich every aspect of your life and make it just – dreamy.

Pre-registration is not required.  Participants can enter a drawing for a free intuitive reading valued at $100.


Every second Saturday at Crystal Visions, Jonna Rae Bartges will shine a light on a different topic selected to raise consciousness, spark curiosity, and increase intuitive ability.  Psychic and empathic since childhood, when she was 24 Jonna Rae left her newspaper editor job to go on a spiritual quest to learn if she was psychic, or psychotic.  During that two-year period, she was shown, in a deep meditation, how to help others tap into and learn to trust their own intuitive ability.  She created PSI: Practical Spirituality Institute, as an international educational resource to share the happy medium between science and spirituality.  Jonna Rae is an author, Emmy-winning television producer, and an approved provider of professional development contact hours for nurses. Learn more at


04-27 / Sound Meditation w/ Resonance for Healing

Date: Saturday, April 27th
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm

Join Resonance for Healing for a supportive and healing sound meditation.  We will create a healing container in which we will balance the energy systems, support the nervous system and drop into a deeply relaxed and nourishing space for healing.  Attention will be given to each individual in attendance for a personalized experience.

Instruments such as gongs, Himalayan bowls, crystal bowls, handpan, drums and more will be used.

Bring  a yoga mat, blanket or anything you need to feel comfortable during the meditation.  Please arrive ten minutes early to allow yourself to settle into your spot.

Space is limited for this event.

Cost is $25 : Registration can be found at


As a teacher for the Sound Healing Academy and a Sound Healing practitioner Eric brings extensive experience to working with methods for reducing the effects of stress, regulating the nervous system and supporting the natural healing ability of the body to each session.

03-02 / SOLD OUT Sound Meditation w/ Resonance for Healing

Date: Saturday, March 2nd
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm

Join Resonance for Healing for a supportive and healing sound meditation.  We will create a healing container in which we will balance the energy systems, support the nervous system and drop into a deeply relaxed and nourishing space for healing.  Attention will be given to each individual in attendance for a personalized experience.

Instruments such as gongs, Himalayan bowls, crystal bowls, handpan, drums and more will be used.

Bring  a yoga mat, blanket or anything you need to feel comfortable during the meditation.  Please arrive ten minutes early to allow yourself to settle into your spot.

Space is limited for this event.

Cost is $25 : Registration can be found at


As a teacher for the Sound Healing Academy and a Sound Healing practitioner Eric brings extensive experience to working with methods for reducing the effects of stress, regulating the nervous system and supporting the natural healing ability of the body to each session.

03-23 / Ostara Celebration

Ostara Celebration
Saturday, March 23rd
1:30 – 2:30 pm


⬧Come celebrate Ostara with local author and Brigid priestess, Lisa Wagoner. Ostara marks the Spring Equinox on the Wheel of the Year. There will be a meditation, discussion of Ostara/ Spring Equinox, a brief ritual, an Ostara activity & more!

Love offerings gratefully accepted.⬧

This will be an ongoing Sabbats Series.


Lisa Wagoner is a writer, author of Positive Pagan: Staying Upbeat in an Offbeat World, a healing guide, teacher, and coach. She lives in Asheville (NC), and is a devoted follower of the goddess Brigid. She offers private readings, coaching, healing sessions and workshops, and can usually be found outside tending to her home wildlife sanctuary. Her latest offering is her Substack, “Opener of Stuck Spaces”. She is passionate about herbalism, worldwide community and healing.

Trust Your Intuition by Cheryl Grace

Trust Your Intuition
by Cheryl Grace

Everyone knows something about intuition, such as recalling a moment when you “just knew” that a particular event would happen a certain way. Having a premonition or an intuitive hit before it happened has been referred to as “women’s intuition,” and as “gut instincts” when skillfully making a business decision that contributed to a company’s success.

If we choose to trust the information we receive through Intuition, we are also learning to abandon the importance of our ego and its constant chatter. Most of our obsessive thinking has some form of attachment to our past or anticipation of the future. By quieting the mind, you begin the process of awakening your Intuition. It improves your concentration, allows you to feel more calm and relaxed, and opens doors to tapping into what you already know. It’s like having a bottomless vault of wisdom.

The need to control your life experiences often stems from fear or anxiety of the unknown, which hinders the intuitive process. Consider the number of decisions you have to make in a day. Some choices you make consciously and some you do unconsciously. We have all gotten into our car and arrived at our destination without any clue of how we got there! The same is true for Intuition. When you are aware that by tuning in you can easily access intuition and by acting on it you can manifest what is best for you. With practice, it becomes a reliable source of guidance for major decisions and at the same time unlocks your creative approaches in all aspects of your life.

Being receptive is another way to create new opportunities and positive life experiences by adopting an attitude of accepting things just as they are without judgment or trying to change it. When you are fully present in the moment, it activates intuition so that you may receive intuitive messages. Your thoughts are crystal clear.

The practice of meditation clears away the mind chatter and creates space in the mind for intuition to thrive. You may experience new ways to do things by the way of dreams, imagery, thoughts, or feelings. You open up to the possibility that by removing lack and limitation from your mindset, you will break through to a new level of awareness. Intuition offers new ideas and ways of doing things that may have not been readily apparent. Rather than paralysis for over-analysis, you are able to access multiple options for any life challenge.

We all have intuitive ability when we avoid making assumptions and judgments about everything. Your willingness to give up your attachment to being right will accelerate the intuitive process by opening up the possibility for things that you either have not thought of or that hadn’t been previously revealed. If you want to keep your life just as it is, then don’t do anything different than you are right now. If you want to make room for new something new to enter, then let your intuition guide you. Take a chance by trusting your instincts and see where it takes you.

It is on the intuitive plane that you can tap into the universal consciousness where all information is available to you. This is considered the highest form of truth. Perhaps you’ve had a decision you were struggling with and decided to “sleep on it.” This is a great way to awaken intuition by being open to any and all solutions and allowing it to emerge at its own pace.

In the same way it takes time for a plant to grow, so does the natural pace allowing events, circumstances and people to line up to create your ideal life.


Cheryl Grace is a Psychic Medium, Intuitive Healer and specialist in Sacred Contracts. Cheryl is a Reader at Crystal Visions. Check the store calendar for her schedule. For more information on Cheryl, visit

04-13 / Building & Activating Crystal Grids w/ Jonna Rae Bartges

Saturday, April 13th
Noon – 1:30 PM
Cost: $25

Building & Activating Crystal Grids

Nikola Tesla said, “In a crystal we have clear evidence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being.” Crystals have a unique vibratory signature that allows them to store, direct and magnify energies. Learn how to build a crystal grid and activate it to create a powerful safe space for healing and transformation. In this Second Saturday: PSI Works session, you will receive various crystal chips and different geometric grids to create your own  crystal ‘map’ for transformation and enlightenment.

Pre-registration is not required.  Participants can enter a drawing for a free intuitive reading valued at $100.


Every second Saturday at Crystal Visions, Jonna Rae Bartges will shine a light on a different topic selected to raise consciousness, spark curiosity, and increase intuitive ability.  Psychic and empathic since childhood, when she was 24 Jonna Rae left her newspaper editor job to go on a spiritual quest to learn if she was psychic, or psychotic.  During that two-year period, she was shown, in a deep meditation, how to help others tap into and learn to trust their own intuitive ability.  She created PSI: Practical Spirituality Institute, as an international educational resource to share the happy medium between science and spirituality.  Jonna Rae is an author, Emmy-winning television producer, and an approved provider of professional development contact hours for nurses. Learn more at


03-09 / Optimizing Your Liver – A Group Energy Healing Session w/ Regina Rae

Saturday, March 9th
3:00-4:00 pm
Cost:$30 in advance, $35 at the door


Optimizing Your Liver – A Group Energy Healing Session

You can’t live without the liver. It is essential to life. It performs over 500 vital functions for the body.
This group energy healing session will optimize the health and functioning of your liver, as well as the
energetic and physical pathways that support the liver. You don’t want to miss this healing! (*Space is

To register, contact Regina at


Regina was drawn to healing work early in her early twenties when a dear and trusted friend introduced her to a healer. She wasn’t necessarily looking for healing but thought it would be cool to have some sessions. She found the sessions to be amazing, inciteful and so helpful in her life. Fast forward years later, life had become overwhelming and stressful. She found respite and fell in love with yoga and eventually became a certified Yoga Therapist. She then moved to India for three years, becoming steeped in yogic practices and in the essence of India as well as other healing modalities. As life progressed, and challenges progressed, she found herself seeking deeper healing through energy work, but now it was different – it wasn’t just for fun. Not only did she receive healing on physical levels (chronic pain began to subside), but she also found healing on mental and emotional levels, accompanied by a deeper feeling of connectivity and wholeness. She knew that this unfolding in her life was absolutely her path. She knew she would become a healer; it was her dharma. She is trained in and uses multiple modalities in her practice, though primarily VortexHealing®.

02-03 / Imbolc Celebration

Imbolc Celebration
Saturday February 3rd
12- 1 pm 

⬧ Come join us for an Imbolc celebration with local author and Brigid priestess, Lisa Wagoner ⬧

Ritual, Candle Blessings & more!

⬧ Donations gratefully accepted


Lisa Wagoner is a writer, author of Positive Pagan: Staying Upbeat in an Offbeat World, a healing guide, teacher, and coach. She lives in Asheville (NC), and is a devoted follower of the goddess Brigid. She offers private readings, coaching, healing sessions and workshops, and can usually be found outside tending to her home wildlife sanctuary. Her latest offering is her Substack, “Opener of Stuck Spaces”. She is passionate about herbalism, worldwide community and healing.